全国: | 上海:
    发动机类型 舷内
    船体类型 半硬式
    甲板布局 中央控制台
    推动力 水力喷射
    风格 游艇小舢板
    甲板布置 日光浴
    长度 3.5 m(11'05" )


认可作为类别C小船,Seakart 335是结合喷气机滑雪的速度和兴奋的一个独特的杂种以一条可膨胀的小船的安全和舒适。这消遣工艺对想要乐趣周末招标或游艇所有者的家庭是理想的寻找在一只有趣的船只和招标之间的一个十字架。

Seakart 335允许您容易地访问海滩,在游泳的断裂的夜和中止之前安全地驾驶,每当心情罢工。它强有力的喷气机引擎使Seakart难以置信地多才多艺,允许您操作它在浅或深水。它也许是小的,没有极限,但是这是积极的工艺提供的划船。


Homologated as a Category C Boat, the Seakart 335 is a unique hybrid combining the speed and excitement of a jet ski with the safety and comfort of an inflatable boat. This recreational craft is ideal for a family wanting a fun weekend tender or a yacht owner looking for a cross between an entertaining watercraft and a tender.

The Seakart 335 allows you to access beaches easily, navigate by night safely, and stop for swimming breaks whenever the mood strikes. Its powerful jet engine makes the Seakart incredibly versatile, allowing you to operate it in shallow or deep waters. It might be small, but it’s an aggressive craft offering boating without limits.