全国: | 上海:
    发动机类型 水力喷射
    发动机燃料 柴油
    甲板布局 中央控制台
    用途 运动, 多用途, 巡游
    推动力 水力喷射
    材料 铝制
    人数 最多容纳 10 人
    风格 游艇小舢板
    甲板布置 柚木甲板, 硬甲板
    其他特征 手轮, 牵引式
    长度宽度 5.6 m(18'04" )X2.4 m(7'10" )
    位置 1,150 kg(2,535.32 lb)
    发动机功率 170 ch(170 hp)
    吃水深度 0.4 m(1'03" )
    燃料容量 120 l(32 gal)
    淡水容量 55 l(15 gal)
    吃水 1 m(3'03" )


如果用一个词来概括 Agilis 560D 的所有特点和优势,那就是 "舒适"。

无论是一杆多用的单驱动装置、兼具遮阳功能的比米尼尼顶篷、确保所有人在任何情况下都能保持干爽的防喷水挡板、低噪音的强劲发动机、宽敞的乘客空间还是数吨的储物空间--Agilis 560D 的每一次旅行都将是舒适而时尚的。此外,55 升的淡水箱可在旅途中淋浴或冲洗沾满沙子的双脚,让您在尽情享受阳光和前往最喜欢的海滨餐厅享受惬意时光的同时,不再有不必要的中途停留。您在 10 人豪华游艇上的体验应该反映出您在超级游艇上所习惯的舒适度,只是尺寸更小而已。毕竟,登上较小的船只有时可能是必要的,但有了 Agilis 560D 超级游艇,牺牲舒适性将永远不会成为一种选择。

Agilis 560D 有两种发动机可供选择,以更好地满足客户的需求。水星 2.0L 柴油发动机结构紧凑、重量轻,但不牺牲动力和性能。这款发动机功率为 170 马力,最高航速可达 36 节,动力强劲。如果想获得更快的速度和更高的性能,您可以选择 3.0L。这款高性能的 270 马力发动机可大幅提高加速度和最高时速,最高时速可达 40 节。

凭借 120 升的油箱和最佳的燃油经济性,这两款发动机都能轻松满足您的长途旅行需求。由于采用了独特开发的排气管和特殊的发动机支架,发动机工作安静,噪音和振动最小。



If you summed up all the features and advantages of the Agilis 560D in one word, that word would be comfort.

Whether it’s the one-lever-for-all single drive unit, the Bimini top doubling as a sunshade, the spray dodger ensuring dryness for all; no matter the conditions, the whisper-quiet; powerful engine, the ample space for passengers or the tons of storage – every trip on the Agilis 560D is sure to be in comfort and style. And a 55-liter freshwater tank for showers on the go or rinsing off sandy feet eliminates unwanted stopovers between fun in the sun and a relaxed visit to a favorite beachside restaurant. The experience you have on your luxury 10 persons tender should reflect the comfort you are accustomed to on your superyacht, just in a smaller form factor. After all, boarding a smaller vessel might sometimes be necessary, but with the Agilis 560D superyacht tender, sacrificing comfort will never be an option.

There are two engine options for the Agilis 560D to better meet the needs of customers. Mercury Diesel 2.0L is compact and light without sacrificing power and performance. This 170-horsepower engine that can reach up to 36 knots packs а real punch. For more speed and performance you can choose 3.0L. This high-performance 270-horsepower engine offers substantial improvements in acceleration and top speed, it can accelerate up to 40 knots.

Both engines have no issue taking you over long distances thanks to its 120-liter fuel tank and optimum fuel economy. Thanks to the uniquely developed exhaust and special motor mounts the engines work quietly, minimizing noise and vibration.

Jet drives are a real game changer when it comes to drivability.