全国: | 上海:
    发动机类型 舷内
    船体类型 滑行船身
    甲板布局 开放式, 中央控制台
    材料 木质
    风格 传统型
    其他特征 定制
    长度宽度 7.7 m (25'03")X8'09" (2.68 m)
    位置 4,500 lb (2,041.17 kg)
    发动机功率 155 ch (155 hp)
    吃水深度 18 in


蓝色开衫是山姆的一场设计摔跤比赛。我建议你去看看他的设计笔记。我将让他在下面描述快乐的结果。- 吉姆



The Blue Blazer was a design wrestling match for Sam. I recommend that you check out his design notes. I’ll let him describe the happy result below. — Jim

Starting at the stern is a teak swim platform to help board the boat from a harbor taxi and just forward of the transom is a large daybed with foam fabric covered cushions for crews that like to sunbathe to have a place to enjoy the day. Forward of the daybed, which covers the engine box, is a bench seat settee that is the full width of the cockpit and at the center of that seat is a console type helm area. The Captain can either sit at the bench and steer or can stand and operate the boat. Engine controls are electronic and there is an interesting false top to the console that can be hinged back to expose other fancy electronics, GPS, VHF, Depth, and Speed instruments. The engine gauges are easy to read and accessible for controlling the boat. The steering wheel itself is a custom Italian thing that would not look out of place on a mid-sixties classic Ferrari. Forward of the center console are port and starboard upholstered seats that allow guests good side to side visibility out of the boat. There is a small windscreen with a convertible rigid top section and canvas top section that allows two people to sit out in the sun when folded forward and four people to sit under cover when folded aft and the weather is not cooperating. Under the forward deck area are two bunks long enough for a couple of tall people to comfortably stretch out on and up in the bow, a marine water closet can be fitted giving the whole forward cabin the capability of providing a degree of seclusion for head type activities.