全国: | 上海:
    发动机类型 舷外
    引擎数量 双引擎
    甲板布局 飞桥
    用途 钓鱼运动
    甲板布置 T形顶篷
    长度 9.14 m (29'11")


传奇30 Dorado有两个不同模型。

第一是为想要“大弓”30极端光滑和舒适的乘驾以能力在15英寸水跑和漂浮或的中坚分子的渔夫修造的SE。一旦您熟悉您新30,您能舒适地跑45英里/小时在少于15英寸水或奔跑28英里/小时在3-5 ft海。这个模型是非常定制与空心肋板计划选择、弓平台或者分裂长凳就座。并且风俗baitwells从50是可得到到100加仑。我们可以逐字地安置被铸造的存贮舱口盖或鱼箱子任何地方您在地板选择。一如既往,用最优质的双修造和三轨层压制品、胶凝体外套和Divinycell核心。


The Legendary 30 Dorado has two different models. The first is the SE built for the hardcore fisherman who wants the extremely smooth and comfortable ride of the “big bow” 30 with the ability to run and float in 15 inches of water or less. Once you become familiar with your new 30, you will be able to run 45 MPH in less than 15 inches of water or run 28 MPH in 3-5 ft seas comfortably. This model is very customizable with open floor plan option, bow platform or split bench seating. Also custom baitwells are available from 50 to 100 gallons. We can literally place molded storage hatches or fish boxes anywhere you choose in the floor. As always, built with the highest quality bi and tri axles laminates, gel coats, and Divinycell Core.