全国: | 上海:
    发动机类型 舷内
    引擎数量 双引擎
    甲板布局 飞桥
    用途 巡游
    船舱数量 2舱, 3舱
    床位数量 8铺位, 6铺位
    甲板布置 日光浴
    长度 14.39 m (47'02")


航海44 Flybridge是马达游艇的小轿车版本的升级。Flybridge提议多数完善的设计观念,其中大家可能充分地享受和发现seas.HIGH效率船身秀丽


Seafaring 44 Flybridge is an upgrade of the coupe version of the motor yachts. Flybridge offers most perfect design concept, where everyone can fully enjoy and discover the beauty of seas.HIGH EFFICIENCY HULL
Improving hull efficiency is a complex multi-dimensional process and our obsessive quest over the past few years. In a racing sailing yacht, you have to take part in races, to have proof of your boats superior design and build technology. On the other hand, in a motor yacht, improvements in both build and hull design are clearly reflected in lower running costs, increased seaworthiness and unbelievable range. High levels of cruising comfort and a full season of fuel capacity is no longer the preserve of the sailing fraternity. The Seafaring Yacht 44 effortlessly blends the efficiencies of hull design, advanced build technology and drive train optimization, resulting in a motor yacht that combines global explorer capability with ‘mini’ superyacht comfort.