全国: | 上海:
    发动机类型 舷内
    发动机燃料 柴油
    引擎数量 双引擎
    甲板布局 硬顶
    船舱数量 1舱
    甲板布置 日光浴
    其他特征 定制
    长度宽度 40'00" (12.19 m)X13'07" (4.15 m)
    位置 25,000 lb (11,339.81 kg)
    发动机功率 340 ch (340 hp)
    吃水深度 3'00" (0.91 m)
    燃料容量 300 gal
    淡水容量 150 gal


新的Commuter 40体现了Reliant Yachts对MacFarlane和Ewing在Alden的合作传统中的卓越标准的承诺。"我们对规模和比例给予了极大的关注,这是任何高质量设计的前提条件。从船舱的关系到自由空间的数量、前甲板的大小、屋顶的悬垂以及挡风玻璃的倾斜度,没有什么是偶然的,"尤因说。"我们的首要理念是,每一艘建造的游艇都将受到定制游艇的关注,但价格将与许多生产型游艇保持竞争。
虽然Commuter 40是Reliant船队中最小的一艘,但我们注意提供舒适的,甚至是令人惊讶的大的生活空间。前方有一个完整的中线大号主客舱,有一个完整的隔板和门--这里没有向沙龙开放的V型床位。接下来的船尾和左舷是一个完整的厨房,有大理石台面,电炉,一个高光泽度的不锈钢水槽,有充足的存储空间,还有对流式微波炉。冷藏室和茶水间的储藏室在船中部舱壁的对面,如果客户需要,还可以放一个全高的冰箱。紧挨着右舷的是头部--也许这艘船的任何空间都没有得到更多的评价--大理石台面,高光不锈钢水槽,淡水电冲式马桶,以及一个非常大的、全高、全宽、人体大小的淋浴间,有座位和玻璃门。
40号由洋马8LV-320 8缸涡轮增压发动机驱动--也有370马力的。尽管与许多 "公寓 "式快船相比,40号的船宽相对较窄


The new Commuter 40 exemplifies Reliant Yachts’ commitment to a standard of excellence in the tradition of MacFarlane and Ewing’s collaboration at Alden. “We paid a great deal of attention to scale and proportion, which is a pre-condition to any quality design. From the relationship of the cabin house to the amount of freeboard, the size of the foredeck, the roof overhangs, and the rake of the windshield, nothing is by chance,” states Ewing. “It is our overriding philosophy that every build will be treated with the attention of a custom yacht, yet the price point will remain competitive with many production yachts.”
Though the Commuter 40 is the smallest in the Reliant fleet, care was taken to provide comfortable, if not suprisingly large, living space. There is a full centerline queen master stateroom forward with a full bulkhead and door – no V-berths open to the saloon here. Next aft and to port is a full galley with marble counters, electric stove, a high gloss stainless steel sink with ample storage outboard, and convection microwave oven. Refrigeration and pantry storage is opposite along the midship bulkhead, with room for a full height refrigerator if desired by the customer. Next to starboard is the head – and perhaps no space on the boat has received more comments – with marble counters, high gloss stainless steel sink, fresh water electric flush toilet, and a very large, full height, full width, human-sized shower with seating and a glass door.
The 40 is powered by Yanmar 8LV-320 8 cylinder turbo engines – also available at 370HP. Though the beam on the 40 is relatively narrow compared to many of the “condo” style express boats