全国: | 上海:
    发动机类型 舷内
    发动机燃料 柴油
    甲板布局 舵手室
    人数 最多容纳 8 人, 最多容纳 12 人
    甲板布置 日光浴
    长度宽度 23'11" (7.3 m)X3 m (9'10")
    发动机功率 205 ch, 270 ch (205 hp)
    吃水深度 0.75 m (2'05")
    燃料容量 300 l (79 gal)


时至今日,最小的Timonier,Rhea 730是一个负担得起的入门级模型,具有复古的走道外观,非常优雅,易于维护,具有良好的性价比,装备优良。这种高度模块化的船结合了不同的用途,有许多定制的设备。除了一般的稳定性,可以很容易地把它留在沙岸上,以及在低速和平均速度下相当低的柴油消耗量,它的特点是一个非常宽敞的驾驶舱,配备了大型储物舱,三层玻璃窗,侧面的滑动门,当然还有Rhea对细节的精心修饰。

"船上的循环是Rhéa 730的主要优势。舷梯真的保护得很好,又深又宽,这让渔民可以轻松地在驾驶室周围走动,跟踪他的渔获。"


To this day, the smallest Timonier, the Rhea 730 is an affordable entry level model with a vintage walkaround look, very elegant and easy to maintain with good value for money for excellent equipment. This highly modular boat combines different uses, with many custom-made equipments. Besides its general stability, the possibility to leave it onto a sand bank easily and a rather low consumption of diesel at low and average speed, it features a very spacious cockpit equipped with large storage compartments, Triplex glass windows, a sliding door on the side, and of course Rhea’s painstaking care to details for the finishing touches.

«The circulation onboard is the main advantage of the Rhéa 730. Gangways are really well protected, deep and wide, which is allowing fishermans to easily walk around the wheelhouse to follow his catch. »