全国: | 上海:
    发动机类型 舷内
    发动机燃料 柴油
    甲板布局 舵手室
    用途 导航
    床位数量 4铺位
    长度宽度 7.6 m (24'11")X2.5 m (8'02")
    发动机功率 50 ch, 85 ch (50 hp)


高和给上釉的超结构提供在1.85 m和例外可见性客舱的一顶踵长在航海时。游艇有铈证明在近海航海的类别C。内部保证的布局安慰无与伦比乘其他游艇这大小。HABER 700 MSD提供大储存空间。在船首舱有一个双重停泊处,并且人一个,也双重,在客舱被创造在降低桌以后。也有一间舒适的船上厨房和一个分开的洗手间室,任意对阵雨。HABER 700 MSD使4人生活在舒适的情况。


HABER 700 MSD性能特征是它缺一不可的严厉的游泳的平台。


This semiplaning motor yacht is designed for navigation on all inland and coastal water regions, especially in the areas where strong sea currents occur. It is the right yacht for both short cruises and long journeys.
The high and well-glazed superstructure provides for a standing height in the cabin of 1.85 m and an exceptional visibility during navigation. The yacht has the CE certificate in category C for inshore navigation. The layout of the interior guarantees comfort unequalled by any other yacht this size. HABER 700 MSD provides for large storage space. In the forepeak there is a double berth, and the other one, also double, is created in the cabin after lowering the table. There also is a comfortable galley and a separate toilet-room, optional with shower.. The HABER 700 MSD enables up to 4 people to live in comfortable conditions.
The recommended drive is the stationary Diesel engine installed under the cockpit, with capacity of 50-85 hp and a traditional shaft.

The yacht has a suitably shaped bottom and a solid hull structure. Equipped with a 62-65 hp engine, it gains the speed of 11-13 knots. It is characterized by a very good maneuverability.

The characteristic feature of HABER 700 MSD is its integral stern swimming platform.