全国: | 上海:
    发动机类型 舷内
    甲板布局 硬顶, 舵手室
    人数 最多容纳 8 人, 最多容纳 4 人
    船舱数量 2舱
    床位数量 4铺位
    甲板布置 日光浴
    长度宽度 9.34 m (30'07")X3.08 m (10'01")
    位置 4,520 kg (9,964.89 lb)
    发动机功率 320 ch, 370 ch (320 hp)
    吃水深度 1.04 m (3'04")
    燃料容量 400 l (106 gal)
    淡水容量 195 l (52 gal)


自推出以来,维克内斯 930 号一直在制造波浪。 2011 年被提名为 “欧洲年度最佳动力艇”,这款车型是活生生的证明,我们手工制作的斯堪的纳维亚经典经典作品在全世界同类中表现得最佳。

Viknes 930 在尺寸和空间、形状和功能之间实现了完美平衡,这一切都体现了 Viknes 在游艇设计和建造方面领先的 30 年品质。

与所有 Viknes 型号一样,多功能性作为标准配置。 宽敞的船上住宿和大型船尾甲板使 930 非常适合水上懒惰的日子。 要走更长的行程? 没问题;只需翻转轿车座位,为您和您的乘客提供一个面向社交的座位区,因为 930 可以轻松穿越内陆或近海环境。 这是一艘 9 米长的机动游艇,具有惊人的能力。

但是,不要只听我们的话; 进一步探索 Viknes 930 从挪威著名划船杂志这些深入评论:


Since its launch, the Viknes 930 has been making waves. Nominated for ‘European Powerboat of the Year’ in 2011, this model is living, sailing proof that our hand-crafted Scandinavian classics perform at the top of their class right across the continent.

The Viknes 930 offers the perfect balance between size and space, form and function, all underscored by 30 years of Viknes’ class-leading quality in motor yacht design and construction.

As with all Viknes models, versatility comes fitted as standard. The spacious on board accommodation and large aft deck make the 930 perfectly suited to lazy days on the water. Taking a longer trip? No problem; just flip the saloon seat and enjoy a social forward-facing seating area for you and your passengers, as the 930 powers easily through inland or offshore conditions. This is a 9-metre motor yacht with astonishing capabilities.

But don’t just take our word for it; explore the Viknes 930 further with these in-depth reviews from respected Norwegian boating magazines: