全国: | 上海:
    发动机类型 舷外
    甲板布局 硬顶
    用途 钓鱼运动
    床位数量 3铺位
    长度 8 m (26'02")


Radon Signature 26是从在太平洋使用了近三十年的经典Radon商用船上重新设计的船体。它的大型船舷和坚硬的反面机器证明了它作为一艘坚不可摧、波涛汹涌、干燥的帆船的传统。Radon船体经过重新设计,以更好地满足运动船市场的需求。Signature 26采用凸起的船舷,大大提高了安全性、舒适性和可钓鱼性。略微增加的Deep-V使Signature 26在前海中的操控性和舒适性得到了改善,而不会影响其在后海中无与伦比的性能。股份有限公司D.R.Radon boat Building总裁Don Radon表示:“在我们的太平洋海岸,盛行的下午风和西北方向的涌浪使传统的Deep-V船在下坡时遭遇灾难。”。“虽然这种类型的船体在大多数深V型船的制造地东海岸可能是有意义的,但当你把跟随大海与大马力的深V型运动船结合在一起时,可能会很危险。由于担心颠簸,或者为了减少在跟随大海中的颠簸,大多数深V船都需要大幅减速。我们的船被设计成停留在飞机上,并保持高速但最糟糕的是接下来的海况。“Radon Signature 26是那些认真对待运动的人的理想之船。它有足够的空间容纳四到五名渔民或潜水员,可以装载比任何尺寸的船都多的装备。大型储物箱是标准配置。根据您的动力选择,Radon Signature26的续航里程为350到600英里,巡航速度为25到40节。


The Radon Signature 26 is a redesigned hull from the classic Radon commercial boat used for nearly three decades throughout the Pacific. Its large strakes and hard reverse chine is a testament to its heritage as an indestructible, rough-water, dry-riding boat. The Radon hull has been redesigned to better satisfy the needs of the sport boat market. With its raised gunwales, the Signature 26 has greatly improved safety, comfort and fishability. A slightly increased Deep-V, gives the Signature 26 improved handling and comfort in a head sea, without compromising its unsurpassed performance in a following sea. "On our Pacific coast the prevailing afternoon winds and Northwest swell make for a disastrous downhill ride with a traditional Deep-V boat," says Don Radon, president D.R. Radon Boat Building, Inc. "While this type of hull might make sense on the East Coast where most of the deep-V boats are made, it can be dangerous when you combine following sea with a high horsepower Deep-V sport boat. For fear of pitch poll, or to lessen the kidney-jarring ride in a following sea, most Deep-V boats need to slow down dramatically. Our boats were designed stay on a plane, and maintain a high speed, in all but the worst following sea conditions." The Radon Signature 26 is the ideal boat for those who take their sport seriously. With ample room for four to five fishermen or divers, the 26 can be loaded up with more gear than practically any boat its size. Large storage compartments are standard. Depending on your choice of power, the Radon Signature 26 has a range of 350 to 600 miles and a cruising speed of 25 to 40 knots.