全国: | 上海:
    类型 微塑料过滤
    用途 公海, 特殊标记, 沙滩标记
    材料 塑料
    其他特性 自动, 水下



SB 浮标是一种浸没式浮标,可自动将滤波面定向到电流,并使用 4 mm 至 1 mm 之间的微塑料过滤水。 这可以连接到浮标上,以便轻松限制洗浴区域。 由于塑料取决于它们的密度是在不同的深度, 这使我们能够在系列安装多个浮标 “使用相同的信标浮标和删除更多的塑料. 采用

真空层压技术,采用亚麻和天然树脂等天然复合材料制成。 它是一个完全生态和环保的产品。 得益于 GPASeABOTS 的生产能力,年生产能力达到 2500 多台。 随

着对环境的承诺作为一个 GPASeABOTS 路线图,我们发现了一个非常有趣的文章,被称为 “塑料海”,其中微塑料在西地中海的可怕问题当

时,我们决定联系这篇文章的创作者,这是地球学院巴塞罗那大学的科学。 我们必须感谢整个 UB 海洋地质团队花时间解释他们的研究工作。


SB 浮标只需要海流提供的能量。 它具有灵感来自毛毯鱼的流体动力学设计, 通过这种方式,我们实现它总是面对优化微塑料的过滤. 由于其获得专利的动态过滤系统,进入 SB 浮标的微塑料仍然被封闭在内部。


Submerged buoy to filter the microplastics of the sea taking advantage of sea currents and the existing coastal infraestructure.

SB BUOY is a submerged buoy that automatically orients its filter face against the current and filters water with microplastic between 4 mm and 1 mm. This can be attached to the buoys buoys that limit the bathing area easily. As plastics depending on their density are at different depths, this allows us to install several buoys in series “using the same beacon buoy and remove more plastic.

It is made of natural composite materials such as linen and natural resin using vacuum laminating technology. It is a totally ecological and environmentally friendly product. Thanks to the production capacity of GPAseabots, annual manufacturing is capable of reaching more than 2500 units.

With the commitment to the environment as a GPAseabots roadmap, we found a very interesting article, called “A sea of plastic”, where the terrible problem of microplastics in the western Mediterranean

At that time we decided to contact the creators of this article, which was the Faculty of Earth Sciences, of the University of Barcelona. We must thank the entire UB Marine Geology team for their time in explaining their research work.

From here we saw the need to apply our potential in R&D to be able to solve this great problem, and we did so.

SB BUOY requires only the energy supplied by sea currents. It has a hydrodynamic design inspired by the blanket fish, in this way we achieve that it is always faced to optimize the filtration of microplastics. The microplastics that enter the SB BUOY remain confined inside thanks to its patented dynamic filtration system.