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    类型 管理
    应用领域 港口, 用于海港


全球领先的码头服务设备供应商 Rolec 推出了新的云码头服务管理系统 BerthVend,为码头运营商和泊位持有者提供简化的服务。

游艇码头的格局正在发生变化;现代技术和发展为游艇码头和滨水区提供了无限商机,同时减少了人工劳动、时间和成本。Rolec 一直是将新兴技术引入码头行业的先驱,这次他们推出了 BerthVend,这是一个完全基于云的泊位管理系统,使码头运营商能够随时随地通过任何设备控制他们的电力和供水服务。与 Rolec 以前提供的系统相比,BerthVend 是一个更新的码头服务管理系统。无论是码头办公室电脑、平板电脑还是智能手机,码头经营者都可以在办公室或在码头目的地管理他们的服务。

对于码头经营者来说,BerthVend 提供了大量功能,使他们的工作日操作简单明了。现代化的交互式仪表盘可以直观地显示码头的布局、已占用泊位的数量、可用泊位的数量以及泊位的状态,码头经营者可以清楚地了解泊位的活动情况。码头经营者可以从以下方面获益:直接向码头办公室提供单独的电表和水表读数;远程开关插座和水龙头;有权执行自己的收费标准;管理用户账户;导出数据;远程固件更新;预订公用设施;


Global leaders in marina services equipment, Rolec have launched their new cloud-based marina services management system, BerthVend, providing a streamlined service provision for both marina operators and berth holders.

The marina landscape is changing; modern technologies and developments are providing marina and waterfront destinations with endless opportunities whilst decreasing manual labour, time and costs. Rolec have always been pioneers in introducing new and emerging technologies to the marina industry and this time, they have launched BerthVend, a completely cloud-based berth management system, enabling marina operators to control their electric and water services anytime, anywhere, on any device. BerthVend is an updated marina services management system compared to previous systems supplied by Rolec. Whether it’s a marina office computer, a tablet or a smartphone, marina operators are able to manage their services either in their office, or whilst on the marina destination itself.

For marina operators, BerthVend brings a plethora of features to provide simple and straightforward operations to their working day. With its modern interactive dashboard which presents a visual of the marina’s layout, as well as the number of berths occupied; berths available and the status of the berth status, marina operators can clearly understand their berths’ activity. Marina operators can benefit from the following: individual electric and water meter readings directly to the marina office; remotely switching sockets and taps on/off; authority to implement own tariffs; manage user accounts; exportable data; remote firmware updates; reservation of utilities;