全国: | 上海:
    类型 水产养殖, 用于清洗船体
    深度 305 m (1000'07")



一个可执行任务的检查级ROV系统,可以由一个人部署和操作。Oceanus Pro广泛用于执行苛刻的船舶和结构检查,通过系绳接收动力,并经独立认证,最大标准深度为305米(1000英尺),可选的系统升级允许潜水到最大深度为400米(1312英尺)。

六个推进器提供动力,产生高达6节的最高速度×,矢量推进器设计提供了卓越的ROV机动性,ROV的横向轴移动是一个标准功能。Oceanus Pro的设计可以接受广泛的MarineNav定制附件和流行的第三方品牌附件(包括声纳系统),对于需要ROV进行潜水员支持、边境保护、港口安全、证据定位、搜索和救援以及恢复任务的海洋部门来说是一个理想的解决方案。


横向ROV移动轴标准 - 无与伦比的控制系统和卓越的推进器性能提供了完全矢量化的ROV可操作性。
305米(1000英尺)的深度等级 - 可选系统升级到最大深度400米(1312英尺)。
OCEANUS多端口 - MarineNav的Oceanus多端口通信系统允许快速集成第三方配件、软件和外部处理器。


System Overview

An mission-ready inspection-class ROV system that can be deployed and operated by one person. Widely used to perform demanding vessel and structural inspections, the Oceanus Pro receives power over tether and has been independently certified to operate to a maximum standard depth of 305 m (1000 ft.), an optional system upgrade allows dives to a maximum depth of 400 m (1312 ft.)¶.

Six thrusters provide power to generate top speeds of up to 6 knots ×, and vectorized thruster design delivers superior ROV maneuverability with lateral axis ROV movement as a standard feature. Designed to accept a wide range of MarineNav bespoke attachments, and popular brand-name third party attachments (including sonar systems), the Oceanus Pro is an ideal solution for marine sectors requiring ROVs to conduct diver support, border protection, port security, evidence location, search and rescue, and recovery duties.

Standard features include:

LATERAL ROV MOVEMENT AXIS STANDARD - Unparalleled control system and superior thruster performance delivers fully vectorized ROV maneuverability
POWER OVER TETHER - Virtually unlimited dive times
HIGH OUTPUT SUBMERSIBLE - With speeds of 6 knots ×
DEPTH RATING OF 305m (1000 ft) - Optional system upgrade to a maximum depth of 400 m (1312 ft.)¶
ROV WEIGHT OF 17.91 kg (39.5 lbs) - Easily deployed by one person
OCEANUS MULTI-PORT - MarineNav’s Oceanus Multi-Port communication system allows rapid integration of third-party accessories, software and external processors