

来源:www.shuishangwuliu.com   时间:2023-05-03 10:58   点击:293  编辑:jing 手机版

1. 海洋馆,英语

Beijing Aquarium。北京海洋馆座落在北京动物园内,南面是长河、毗邻北京展览馆、天文馆和首都体育馆。其占地面积为12万平方米,建筑面积为4.2万平方米,是目前世界上最大的内陆水族馆,里面共分六个不同内容的展示场馆,是国内4A 级旅游景区。

2. 海洋馆英语作文





3. 海洋馆英语单词怎么写

I'm going to visit Ocean Park and Disney park.


4. 海洋馆英语资料

Changlong world is a joy to spend one billion to build a new generation of top amusement park, the first phase covers an area of 1,000 acres, is currently the most advanced domestic equipment, the highest scientific and technological content, play equipment up to the super amusement park.

Changlong joy Changlong Group, the world is a world-class tourism in the Kingdom of a new Pearl, located in China's first-class tourist attractions 5A Changlong tourism resort center, is a pleasure ride, stunt Theater, parade performances, eco-leisure , features restaurants, theme shops, multi-service integrated with the international advanced technology and management level of the world's top mega-theme park.

Changlong joy the world from the world's leading theme park design presided over the overall planning, recreational equipment are imported from Europe, and its design and technology to maintain an international leading standard.

5. 我们参观了海洋馆英语

Our class will go to Shanghai Changfeng OceanWorld Next Sunday. We will take No. 754 bus to go there on 8:00 am. In the morning, we plan to visit the aquarium at first. After finishing the aquarium visit, we will have a lunch in the park together and then have a short rest. In the afternoon, we are going to see the performance of white whales. It must be interesting. We should go back to school in 4:00pm.
