全国: | 上海:
    用途 传统型
    帆缆索具 补助帆桁, 斜桁帆
    全部长度 5.74 m (18'09")
    宽度 8'01" (2.47 m)
    吃水深度 2'07" (0.79 m)
    位置 530 lb (240.4 kg)
    帆面 238 m² (2,562 ft²)
    发动机功率 10 ch (10 hp)


驾驶像Wompus Cat这样的船本身就很简单。她只有一个主帆和舵柄,但由于其宽阔的船身,她能够快速而平坦地航行。她宽大的驾驶舱提供了足够的空间,可以让朋友们在不妨碍彼此的情况下进行交流。在船舱里,有足够的空间来提供舒适和宜居的空间,这对于这种尺寸的船来说是相当有技巧的。Wompus Cat是可以拖车的,她的吃水允许她在你的探索中进入较浅的水域。很难找到一个更容易的途径来实现全功能的帆船。

在下面山姆的设计说明中,请阅读关于Wompus Cat的思考。


Sailing a boat like the Wompus Cat is simplicity itself. She has just a single mainsheet and tiller to tend, yet with her wide beam she is capable of sailing fast and flat. Her generous cockpit offers plenty of room to bring friends without getting in each other’s way. In the cabin, there is plenty of room for comfortable and livable space, which is quite a trick in boat this size. The Wompus Cat is trailerable, and her draft allows her into shallower waters in your explorations. It’s hard to find an easier path to a full featured sailboat.

Read about the thought that went into the Wompus Cat in Sam’s design notes below.