全国: | 上海:
    用途 远洋巡游, 快速巡游, 海岸巡游
    船舱数量 2舱, 1舱
    床位数量 4铺位
    甲板布局 中央驾驶舱, 封闭式驾驶舱
    材料 铝制
    帆缆索具 补助帆桁
    其他特性 半定制, 家庭
    全部长度 11.7 m (38'04")
    宽度 3.47 m (11'04")
    吃水深度 1.43 m (4'08")
    位置 6.4 t (7.05 us ton)
    帆面 61 m² (657 ft²)
    发动机功率 40 ch (40 hp)


11米的帆船,JPB 35是一对夫妇的理想之船。它由一个大沙龙组成,客厅在左舷,厨房在右舷,船头有一个大的主人舱,有大量的储物空间,右舷船尾有一个供朋友或孩子居住的单人舱。沙龙还可以转换为双人床铺。这艘游艇在浴室后面有一个大的货柜区,可以存放船帆和东西。JPB 35有一个双螺旋压载,这使得它有一个浅的吃水和地面的任意。


Sailing yacht of 11 meters, the JPB 35 is an ideal boat for a couple. It is composed of a large saloon with the living room on the port side and the kitchen on the starboard side, a large owner's cabin on the bow with plenty of storage spaces and a single cabin for a friend or a child on the starboard stern. The saloon is also convertible into a double berth. This yacht has a large cargo area behind the bathroom for storing sails and stuff. The JPB 35 has a twin-keels ballast which allows it to have a shallow draft and to ground at will.