全国: | 上海:
    用途 巡游, 巡航竞赛
    船舱数量 5舱, 4舱, 6舱
    甲板布局 尾部开放式
    材料 碳纤
    附件 升降龙骨
    帆缆索具 单桅纵帆, 补助帆桁, 碳纤桅杆
    其他特性 双舵轮, 定制
    全部长度 29.71 m (97'05")
    宽度 6.8 m (22'03")
    吃水深度 3.2 m, 4.1 m, 4.7 m, 4.8 m (10'05")
    位置 55 t (60.63 us ton)
    帆面 413 m² (4,445 ft²)
    发动机功率 350 ch (350 hp)
    燃料容量 3,000 l (793 gal)
    淡水容量 2,000 l (528 gal)



我们的 Y9 是独一无二的,每一艘 Y9 也是独一无二的。最重要的是,她就像我们的客户一样个性十足,因为她的布局和设备都是完全可变的。作为补充,Y9 在 90 英尺的空间内提供了 100 英尺游艇的容积。她有三个令人兴奋的版本--Y9、Y9 Pilot House 和 Y9 Custom。

Y9 船主的主要关注点是在船上与家人和朋友共度美好时光。因此,即使只有少量船员,这艘 90 英尺的碳纤维帆船也能轻松航行。她的内部设计满足甚至扩展了所有船主的愿望,即在环游世界的同时,拥有一艘足够私密的家庭游艇。当然,Y9 也可以在地中海或加勒比海的帆船比赛中证明自己的潜力,在赛场上一马当先。在任何帆船比赛中,她都将是一个强大的对手。

与所有 YYachts 一样,Y9 遵循明确的设计理念--减少所有不必要的上层建筑和部件,打造简洁明快的甲板:保持简洁。外观漂亮,航行顺畅。


速度、宽敞的内部空间和前卫的外观是 Y9 的特点

我们全新的 Y9 是 Y7 和 Y8 的合理延续。Y9 的开发源于客户的要求,他们希望游艇易于航行、速度快、船员少、体积大。



Our Y9 is unique and so is every single Y9. Above all, she is as individual as our customers themselves, because her layout and equipment are completely variable. Complementing this, the Y9 offers the volume of a 100-foot yacht in 90 feet. And she is available in three exciting versions – Y9, Y9 Pilot House, Y9 Custom.

The main focus for Y9 owners is spending time with family and friends on board. As a result, the 90-foot carbon sailing yacht is easy to sail even with a small crew. Her interior design fulfills and even extends all owners' wishes for a family yacht with sufficient privacy while they travel the world. Of course, the Y9 can also prove her potential on regatta courses in the Mediterranean or the Caribbean and sail right at the front of the field. She will be a formidable opponent in any regatta.

Like all YYachts, the Y9 follows a clear design philosophy - reducing all unnecessary superstructure and components to create a clean and minimalist deck: Keep it simple. Look good and sail nicely.


Speed, large interior spaces and a cutting-edge look characterize our Y9

Our brand new Y9 is the logical continuation of our models Y7 and Y8. The development of the Y9 was driven by requests from customers for an easy to sail and fast yacht that requires a small crew and has a fantastic volume.