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    应用 用于隔音
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SOUNDON 的质量加载乙烯基屏障 (Tuff Mass®) 是一种专门开发的质量层产品,具有良好的阻尼性能,具有卓越的声学传输损耗。

SUNDONDUS 乙烯基质量/阻尼板提供高达 32 的 STC 额定值。 它是一种低成本材料,用于各种海洋和陆地应用。 下面的图示显示了作为悬浮屏障安装的 Tuff-Mass。 这种典型的 Appli 阳离子可以改善相邻空间之间的传输损失。

Soundown 的质量加载乙烯基的阻尼性能和刚度特性相结合,在将质量层和阻尼器应用于隔板和轻质结构舱壁时,它具有优异的性能,从而降低了机舱和结构噪音的跨式任务。


SOUNDOWN’S Mass Loaded Vinyl Barrier (Tuff­ Mass®) is a specially developed mass layer product offering superior acoustic transmission loss com­bined with good damping properties.

SOUNDOWN'S Vinyl mass/damper sheet offers STC Ratings up to 32. It is a low cost material used for a variety of marine and land based applications. The drawing below shows Tuff-Mass installed as a suspended barrier. This typical appli­cation would improve transmission loss between adjoining spaces.

The combination of the damping and stiffness properties of Soundown’s Mass Loaded Vinyl gives it excellent performance as a combined mass layer and damper when applied to partition panels and lightweight structural bulkheads, reducing trans­ mission of both airborneand structurebourne noise.