全国: | 上海:
    应用领域 船用
    类型 抗凝结, 喷涂软木, 用于隔音, 用于隔热, 用于上釉


12 公斤桶,seacork 船体,是更好的产品喷在你的船停止凝结。 它可以适用于任何表面。


通过喷洒您的船体在 2 至 3 毫米厚度上的两层或三层,创造热断裂是理想的基础。 符合 C.O.V. 标准,本产品不含溶剂,配有防臭添加剂,不会给用户带来不便。


产品有 50 种色调。 产品在法国制造。


= 6 平方米 2 层 =>2 公斤/平方米干燥前

= 4 平方米 3 层 =>3 公斤/平方米干燥

Seacork 船体软木喷雾 (天然基础 SG-014 — 你可以选择不同的颜色与我们的添加色素-(> 色表) 隔

热和隔音, 防水, 防湿,粘合剂在任何表面上。


重量:14 公斤

尺寸:35 × 35 厘米


12 kg bucket, seacork Hull, is the better product to spray in your boat to stop condensation. It can be apply on any surface.

The first step if you want to stop the thermal bridge and allow you to make a good insulation.

The creation of a thermal break by spraying your hull with two or three layers over a thickness of two to three millimeters is the ideal basis. Complies with the standard on C.O.V. this product is solvent-free and, with the anti-odor additive, does not inconvenience the user.

It also has an important role in reducing vibration noise.

Products available in 50 shades. Products made in France.

you can do by bucket

= 6 m² for 2 layer =>2 kg/m² before drying

= 4 m² for 3 layer =>3 kg/m² before drying

Seacork Hull cork to spray (natural base SG-014 – you can choose different color with our additive pigment- (> Color charts)

Thermal and sound insulation, waterproof, anti-humidity, adhesive on any surface.

Additional information

Weight: 14 kg

Dimensions: 35 × 35 × 35 cm