全国: | 上海:
    应用 用于可收起龙骨
    应用领域 帆船
    其他特性 定制




三个典型的系统在以下图象显示: 被安装边缘的连接,负担连接和引线连接。


被安装边缘的连接安排需要一个非常精确指南系统(0.5¯移动最大的船骨),当使用船骨可能移动和管的自由空间一样多在船骨里面的负担的连接时。 引线连接为谬传被使用,当没有折的问题时,至于。 船骨可能也是锁着的入位置由与别针的小双重代理圆筒。 Cariboni机械飞翅、船骨头和举的船骨液压机构(用管道输送,多头管、powerpack和电子控制)有整体系统预备对tif在船上。 这已经被建立的某些各种各样的系统。


The possibility of lifting the keel dramatically improves the boat performance while allowing an easy entry in shallow water harbours.

Our special double acting cylinders for the keel lifting have both hydraulic connections on the piston rod terminal, firmly fixed to the boat structure (no movement of the piping) therefore the space required outside the keel is just the rod terminal height.

The three typical systems are shown in the following images: flanged connection, bearing connection and pin connection.

Both flanged and bearing connection reduce the piston rod buckling problem, allowing a very small cylinder size.

The flanged connection arrangement needs a very precise guide system (0.5¯ max keel moving), while using the bearing connection the keel can move as much as the free space for the tube inside the keel. The pin connection is employed when there are no buckling problem, as for a canard. The keel can also be locked into position by small double acting cylinders with pins. Cariboni machinery the fin, keel head, and lifting keel hydraulic system (piping, manifold, powerpack and electronic control) to have a whole system ready to tif on board. Here are some of the various systems already built.