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Sailrite Ultrafeed LSZ-1加上缝纫机包裹以我们强有力,便携式,平直的针/之字形走的脚缝纫机为特色有我们的一些的喜爱的辅助部件。这个包裹对需要一个容易地便携式,耐用机器或看小船的所有者的缝合重的帆布或风帆的人是完善的。Ultrafeed LSZ-1加号包裹以Ultrafeed LSZ-1缝纫机(专利#6499415)为特色在工业便携包,并且包括联合螺纹立场和Flex20 LED光。

Ultrafeed LSZ-1缝纫机在表现和通用性擅长,缝合在平直和之字形针。用最坚韧修造,多数可靠的零件,Ultrafeed被设计通过象帆布的重的材料,重的帆布、牛仔布和容易的室内装璜织品做缝合(忠诚可靠在重的帆布10层数和Dacron帆布中8层数)。


包括有Ultrafeed力量加上摆轮,两次有一个传统飞轮的力量和大小更加慢速的力量和控制的。转动那个轮子和供给机器动力是一个110 VAC马达(在1.5 amps的6,600个转每分钟)和一个有齿轮传送带和滑轮驱动系统。使用地面,易变的全速,电子脚控制,操作。


The Sailrite Ultrafeed LSZ-1 PLUS Sewing Machine package features our powerful, portable, straight stitch/zigzag walking foot sewing machine with some of our favorite accessories. This package is perfect for someone who needs an easily portable, heavy-duty machine or for boat owners looking to sew heavy canvas or sails. The Ultrafeed LSZ-1 Plus Package features the Ultrafeed LSZ-1 Sewing Machine (Patent #6499415) in the Industrial Carrying Case, and includes the Integrated Thread Stand and the Flex20 LED Light.

The Ultrafeed LSZ-1 Sewing Machine excels in performance and versatility, sewing in both straight and zigzag stitches. Built with the toughest, most reliable parts, the Ultrafeed is designed to make sewing through heavy materials like sailcloth, heavy canvas, denim, and upholstery fabrics easy (tried and true in up to 10 layers of heavy canvas and 8 layers of Dacron sailcloth).

Double the Power

Included with the Ultrafeed is the Power Plus Balance Wheel, which has twice the power and size of a traditional flywheel for more slow speed power and control. Turning that wheel and powering the machine is a 110 VAC motor (6,600 rpm at 1.5 amps) and a cogged belt and pulley drive system. Operate using the fully grounded, variable speed, electronic foot control.