全国: | 上海:
    用途 巡游
    甲板布局 舵手室
    船体类型 排水船体
    材料 碳纤
    其他特性 太阳能
    长度 31 m (101'08")


LomOcean Design 凭借激进的三轮船 “地球赛车” 在地球上创纪录的环游取得成功后,出现了全新的挑战:设计出第一辆仅靠太阳能驱动的行星绕圈的车辆。


其结果是创新的 “Turanor PlanetSolar”,这是一款 31 米波穿孔双体船,其甲板上装有约 500 平方米的太阳能电池板,为船上电池组提供电力,然后为每个半船体内的电动机提供电力。 这反过来驱动创新、高效的碳纤维螺旋桨,能够以高达 12 节的速度驾驶船只。

该船的设计涉及一个全面的测试项目,包括在澳大利亚海事学院在平静的水面和波浪中进行拖曳罐测试,以水线长度、位移和速度返回该设施有史以来最高的双体船效率。 在环游期间的排水量将是 65,000 公斤,增加一些重量来世作为豪华游艇到 85,000 公斤的排水量。 她将被双直径 2 米,5 刀片复合螺旋桨推动。


On the back of LOMOcean Design's success with the record circumnavigation of the globe by the radical trimaran "Earthrace" comes a whole new challenge: the design of the first vehicle ever to circle the planet driven only by solar power.

And, not only must the boat be capable of this epic and ground breaking voyage, but it should also be outfitted and operated as a luxury yacht afterwards, to further demonstrate the viability of solar power in conventional applications.

The result is the innovative "Turanor PlanetSolar", a 31m wavepiercer catamaran with approximately 500 square metres of solar panels on its deck delivering electricity to on board battery banks and thence to electric motors in each demi-hull. These in turn drive innovative, highly efficient carbon fibre propellers capable of driving the boat at speeds of up to 12 knots.

The design of the boat has involved a comprehensive test program, involving towing tank tests at the Australian Maritime College in calm water and waves, returning the highest efficiency ever recorded at the facility for a catamaran at the water line length, displacement and speeds involved. The displacement during the circumnavigation will be 65,000 kg, gaining some weight for an afterlife as a luxury yacht to a displacement of 85,000 kg. She will be propelled by twin 2 metre diameter, 5 bladed composite propellers.