全国: | 上海:
    用途 钓鱼运动
    甲板布局 高台驾驶室, 飞桥
    材料 复合材料
    长度 40 m (131'02")




设计由杰克Sarin &同事

在2012年3月麦克・ Hein指挥庆祝的负责任的前100,000海里,

“您应该全部巨大地感到骄傲为这条小船。 在所有这些英里以后,我们在结构从未有所有运动。 我们从未有唯一结构损坏-不甚而较小裂缝,任何地方。 内部仍然看起来美好,并且工程学是卓著的。 多年来我们维护了,并且被升级的各种各样的运作在小船的区域和大家恭维了我们修造这条小船多么恰当是。 您全部做了制造一条难以置信的小船的一个卓著的工作。 所有者有在这小船,传染性的鱼和放松的很多美妙的次与朋友和家庭。 负责任做了她被设计做的一切并且证明她是世界旅行家。 我们开始横跨太平洋的下次旅途与中止在路线的法属波利尼西亚和夏威夷到阿拉斯加一些三文鱼和大比目鱼渔的这个夏天。 我肯定她将继续执行同样下100,000英里世界冒险的”。


40m advanced composite

luxury “yacht fisher”

Design by Jack Sarin & Associates

Captain Mike Hein, on celebrating Mea Culpa’s first 100,000 nautical miles in March 2012

“You should all be hugely proud of this boat. After all these miles, we have never had any movement in the structure. We have never had a single structural failure – not even a minor crack, anywhere. The interior still looks beautiful and the engineering has been outstanding. Over the years we have maintained and upgraded various areas and everyone working on the boat has complimented us on how well built this boat is. You all did an outstanding job building an incredible boat. The Owner has had a lot of wonderful times on this boat, catching fish and relaxing with friends and family. Mea Culpa has done everything she was designed to do and proves she’s a world traveller. We are embarking on the next journey across the Pacific with stops in French Polynesia and Hawaii on route to Alaska this summer for some salmon and halibut fishing. I am sure she will continue to perform the same for the next 100,000 mile world adventure.”