全国: | 上海:
    用途 巡游
    甲板布局 飞桥
    船舱数量 12舱, 6舱
    其他特性 垂直艏柱式, 带泳池
    长度 38 m (124'08")


38 Metri 是目前公司的旗舰项目。

这艘现代超级游艇从探险家和航道制造重型船只中汲取灵感,旨在享受全球扩展船主巡航,并用于高豪华包机业务。 它是根据最苛刻的商业造船和操作法规建造的,它是世界巡航船,基于排量,全天候,钢船体,再加上较轻的铝上层建筑

内部布局和装饰可以由业主选择,在这方面; 院子有 开发了一些有趣的想法,这将与潜在的客户共享。

38 Metri 完全在意大利制造,这是一款全球巡洋舰,由意大利最有经验的造船商之一按照严格的标准制造,其中有超级游艇设计和工程方面经验最丰富的专业人士。


The 38 Metri is at present the flagship project of the Company.

Taking inspiration from Explorer and Passage Making heavy duty vessels, this modern super yacht has been designed to enjoy extended Owner cruises worldwide and for use in high luxury charter operations. It is built under the most demanding commercial ship building and operating regulations, it is a world cruising vessel, based on a displacement, all weather, steel hull, coupled with a lighter aluminum superstructure

The interior layout and decor can be selected by the Owner, in this regard; the Yard has developed some interesting ideas, which will be shared with prospective clients.

The 38 Metri is entirely made in Italy, a global cruiser, built to exacting standards by one of the foremost experienced shipbuilders in Italy, involving some of the most experienced professionals in Superyacht design and engineering.