全国: | 上海:
    用途 巡游
    甲板布局 飞桥
    船舱数量 未指定
    材料 未指定
    长度 102'00" (31.09 m)




Cantiere delle Marche很高兴地宣布,15日星期六,达尔文102级M/Y Archipelago号成功下水。当Archipelago在下水程序完成后几分钟停泊在CdM的新码头时,船东、客人和船厂的团队给予了热烈的欢迎。


Archipelago由Sergio Cutolo/Hydro Tech设计,他还负责海军建筑和工程,内部装饰由Francesco Guida设计。

"我们非常自豪地推出第五艘Darwin Class 102',证实了在整个市场上没有其他更成功的90至110英尺之间的探索者船型",CdM的联合创始人、销售和市场总监Vasco Buonpensiere补充说。他补充说:"这次建造是另一个令人惊叹的例子,证明了这个船厂在需要时具有惊人的灵活性:在过去的4个月里,我们的总经理Bruno Piantini亲自一步一步地跟踪建造过程,他以难以置信的精力和能力领导着双方的项目团队,将他所有的知识和经验投入到他们的工作中。这对每一个参与的人来说都是一个了不起的教训,我个人感谢我的朋友布鲁诺做到了这一点。Grazie Bruno!"




Cantiere delle Marche is glad to announce that on Saturday 15th, the Darwin Class 102 M/Y Archipelago, was successfully launched. The Owners, their guests and the yard’s team gave Archipelago a warm welcome as she moored at CdM’s new dock a few minutes after the launching procedures were completed.

One of the key mis­sion of this ex­plorer ves­sel is to of­fer her Own­ers and guests the best way to hol­i­day at sea in to­tal peace, safety and re­lax­ation. She en­com­passes all the renowned qual­i­ties of the Dar­win Class she be­longs to: state-of-the-art con­struc­tion qual­ity and equip­ment, su­pe­rior sea­keep­ing and sea­wor­thi­ness, long range.

De­signed by Ser­gio Cu­tolo/Hy­dro Tech who is also re­spon­si­ble for naval ar­chi­tec­ture and en­gi­neer­ing, Arch­i­pel­ago has in­te­ri­ors penned by Francesco Guida.

“We are very proud of launch­ing the fifth Dar­win Class 102’ con­firm­ing that there is no other more suc­cess­ful ex­plorer ves­sel’s model be­tween 90 and 110 feet in the whole mar­ket” says Vasco Buon­pen­siere, co-founder and Sales and Mar­ket­ing Di­rec­tor of CdM, who adds: “This build has been an­other amaz­ing ex­am­ple of the in­cred­i­ble flex­i­bil­ity of this ship­yard when it is needed: the whole last 4 months of the build have been fol­lowed step by step per­son­ally by our Gen­eral Man­ager Bruno Pi­antini who has lead the pro­ject teams on both sides with un­be­liev­able en­ergy and ca­pac­ity, putting all his knowl­edge and ex­pe­ri­ence at their dis­posal. It has been an amaz­ing les­son for every­one in­volved, and I per­son­ally thank my friend Bruno for hav­ing done that: Gra­zie Bruno!”.