全国: | 上海:
    用途 巡游
    甲板布局 高台驾驶室
    船舱数量 5舱
    材料 铝制
    其他特性 带泳池
    长度x宽度 41.5 m (136'01")x8.4 m (27'06")
    吃水深度 2 m (6'06")
    总吨位 390 t (429.9 us ton)
    巡航速度 12.5 kt
    最大速度 16 kt
    船员人数 6 unit
    访客人数 10 unit
    燃料容量 42,000 l (11,095 gal)
    淡水容量 10,000 l (2,642 gal)


WIDER 135项目无疑是一艘超级游艇的设计,它拥有排水游艇的空间和舒适性,同时又具有开放式游艇的典型的船上便利性。除此之外,卓越的推进系统在其零排放模式下提供了宁静的巡航或完全安静的环境。

Centro Stile WIDER,内部设计和造型部门完全负责在内部区域创造一个美妙的氛围,以及这艘完全由铝建造的41米游艇的现代和基本线条。

WIDER 135复制了她的前辈们的独特特征,它的海滩俱乐部完全打开,在水面上创造了一个90平方米的区域。






The WIDER 135 project is undoubtedly a superyacht by design, boasting the space and comfort of a displacement yacht, while at the same time, the on-board convenience typical of an open yacht. Beyond this, the remarkable propulsion system offers tranquil cruising or complete silence under its zero emissions mode.

Centro Stile WIDER, the in-house design and styling division has been entirely responsible for creating a wonderful ambience in the internal areas as well as the modern and essential lines of this 41m yacht, built entirely in aluminium.

The WIDER 135 replicates the distinctive feature of her predecessors with a beach club that opens up fully to create a 90m2 area at water level.

The owner’s suite has its own private balcony.

A cutting-edge wheelhouse where instruments and monitors are ergonomically positioned around the captain’s station.

Serial hybrid propulsion: offering a remarkable ECO cruising range and all the benefits of a full serial hybrid system in a yacht.

Hotel functions that can run for many hours without generators, all night and into the next day, thus eliminating noise, vibration and fumes.