全国: | 上海:
    船体数量 双体船
    用途 巡游
    甲板布局 飞桥
    发动机种类 电动
    推动力 螺旋桨轴
    其他特性 太阳能
    长度x宽度 70'07" (21.52 m)x28'00" (8.5 m)
    总吨位 121,000 lb (54,884.7 kg)
    巡航速度 12 kt
    最大速度 15 kt



这种部件的组合创造了一个混合体;一半帆船,一半动力艇。 无限的航程、低污染和安静是与我们的帆船传统密切相关的品质。操作简便,单手操作能力强,这些品质与动力艇如出一辙。


完全的自主性和渡海能力,现在70'大小的夫妻都可以使用。 在使用从太阳收集的能源的同时,不牺牲任何东西。


在我们的平行模型中,每个螺旋桨轴都连接到一个柴油发动机(450马力),Transfluid离合器系统和两个20千瓦的电机。该系统可提供超过15节的高速度和开阔蓝水所需的冗余度。它的额定航速可用于横渡大西洋,并可配置为横渡太平洋。柴油发动机的交流发电机由Integrel Solutions公司升级,可以在运行时随时为锂电池充电,功率为12kW。


在静止状态下,太阳能电池板足以在所有极端条件下为整个房屋提供电力。 多余的电力储存在我们的大型电池组中,以后可用于推进。


Electric motors paired with a solar array offer a boating experience ideal for Cruisers.

This combination of parts creates a hybrid; half sailboat, half powerboat. Unlimited range, low pollution and silence are qualities closely matching our sailing heritage. Ease of operation and ability to operate singlehanded are qualities like those in a powerboat.

As a bonus, all electric yachts have plenty of battery power to run the house load for days without ever running a generator

Complete autonomy and ocean crossing ability are now available to a couple at the 70' size. Sacrifice nothing while using energy gathered from the sun.

Two tried and tested hybrid models are available, inquire about the Serial Hybrid or Parallel Hybrid model today!

In our Parallel model, each propeller shaft is attached to one diesel motor (450hp), the Transfluid clutch system and two 20kw electric machines. This system provides high speeds over 15 knots and a redundancy level necessary for open blue water. It is rated for transatlantic crossings and can be configured to cross the pacific. The diesel engine's alternator is upgraded by Integrel Solutions to allow for 12kW of power to charge the Lithium batteries whenever it is running.

At idle the inboard motor functions as a generator, while underway with diesel the electric machines can generate an additional 40kW of power.

While at rest, the solar arrays are large enough to supply the entire house load in all but extreme conditions. Excess power is stored in our large battery bank and can be used later for propulsion.