全国: | 上海:
    船体数量 双体船
    用途 巡游
    甲板布局 飞桥
    船舱数量 3舱, 4舱
    材料 碳纤
    长度x宽度 19.3 m (63'03")x9.5 m (31'02")
    吃水深度 1.4 m (4'07")
    燃料容量 4,000 l (1,057 gal)
    淡水容量 800 l (211 gal)


MC63p Tourer重量轻、强度大,具有现代的、进步的线条,是现代的动力猫。

内部造型来自m2atelier。他们对细节的关注和创新的存储解决方案使生活空间得到最大限度的利用,使MC63p Tourer成为一艘迷你超级游艇,豪华和性能能力完美结合。

来自设计师,KER游艇设计公司的Jason Ker。

"在一艘多体船上,一个小的重量增加有很大的影响,而MC63p Tourer已经被战略性地设计为尽可能地轻和快。

我热衷于设计能给船主带来美妙的水上体验的船,MC63p Tourer提供了良好的航海性能,稳定而宽阔的生活平台,以及动态的外部线条,使她在多体船队中脱颖而出。


MC63p Tourer轻巧、结实,具有现代的、先进的线条,是现代的动力猫。McConaghy使用碳和精确的船体形式,使其成为一个强大和省油的猫,具有出色的航海特性。MC63p Tourer由Ker Yacht Design设计,内部造型由Design Unlimited设计,是一艘独一无二的迷你超级游艇。


Lightweight, strong and with contemporary, progressive lines, the MC63p Tourer is the power cat of the modern era.

Interior styling comes from m2atelier. Their attention to detail and innovative storage solutions that allow for living space to be maximised, make the MC63p Tourer a mini-superyacht, with luxury and performance ability perfectly partnered.

From the designer, Jason Ker of KER Yacht Design:

“On a multihull, a small weight increase has a big impact, and the MC63p Tourer has been strategically engineered to be as light and as fast as possible.

I’m passionate about designing boats that give their owners a wonderful on water experience and the MC63p Tourer delivers great seakeeping, a stable and expansive living platform, as well as a dynamic exterior line that sets her apart from the multihull fleet.

The team at McConaghy are vastly experienced in building catamarans that are much lighter than a typical cruising catamaran and this, partnered with their wider boat building expertise, has resulted in a product which I am immensely proud to be involved with.”

Lightweight, strong and with contemporary, progressive lines, the MC63p Tourer is the power cat of the modern era. McConaghy's use of carbon and precise hull forms makes for a strong and fuel-efficient cat with excellent seakeeping characteristics. Designed by Ker Yacht Design and with interior styling from Design Unlimited, the MC63p Tourer is a mini superyacht like no other.