全国: | 上海:
    用途 巡游
    甲板布局 飞桥
    船舱数量 3舱, 4舱
    材料 未指定
    长度x宽度 19.69 m (64'07")x9.8 m (32'01")
    总吨位 31.5 t (34.7 us ton)
    燃料容量 4,000 l (1,057 gal)
    淡水容量 1,050 l (277 gal)


Power 67 将奢华提升至极致表现,并使海上航行成为真正精致的体验。 它与旗舰双体船 Alegria 67 和 Pajot Fountaine 设计的机动游艇一致,它们的优雅和海上表现得到了国际媒体的赞扬。

Power 67 同样精心设计,适合长途度假、美丽的游轮或只是为了欢迎客人的乐趣。 凭借其强大的发动机提供高达 2 x 435 马力的功率,Power 67 的船体设计和机载 4000 升燃料的航程可达 1700 海里。

Power 67 将满足您最严格的需求:凭借其优雅和创新的设计,为您提供最先进的生活环境。 凭借其圆润、不对称的线条,这款豪华动力双体船引人注目,传达出一种勇敢的力量感。 它的体积通过其布局的独创性以及令人印象深刻的规模印象深刻。

和它的各种日光浴区,它的厨房配备了一个烤箱和它的巨大的接待区。 在其 Flybridge 32 平方米的梦想中梦想无法实现,或者让自己在前厅的可选按摩浴缸中享受终极放松。

我们为您量身定制了 Power 67,以满足您的全方位需求:长途巡航、快乐的一日游或晚餐派对,Fountaine Pajot 的机动双体船 Power 67 将提供一生的亮点。 Power 67 提供两种版本:厨房位于通道或内置于轿车内,由于其现代化和独特的五星级休息室,Power 67 仍然令人惊叹。 从这个精致的室内体验无限视野的情感。


The Power 67 elevates luxury to its ultimate expression and makes sailing at sea a truly refined experience. It is in line with the flagship catamaran, the Alegria 67, and the Motor Yachts designed by Fountaine Pajot, praised by the International Press for their elegance and their performance at sea.

The Power 67 is just as well designed for long-distance getaways, beautiful cruises or simply for the pleasure of welcoming guests. With its powerful engine delivering up to 2 x 435 hp, the Power 67 has a range of 1700 nautical miles, thanks to its hull design and the 4000 litres of fuel on board.

The Power 67 will meet your most exacting desires: with its elegant and innovative design, it offers you a state-of-the-art living environment. With its rounded, asymmetrical lines, this luxury power catamaran catches the eye and conveys a sense of intrepid power. Its volumes impress by the ingenuity of their layout as well as by their impressive scale.

and its various sunbathing areas, its kitchen equipped with a griddle and its huge reception area. Dream of the unattainable on the 32 m2 of its Flybridge or let yourself be won over by the ultimate relaxation in the optional jacuzzi in the front lounge.

We have tailored the Power 67 to meet the full range of your needs: long cruises, joyful day trips or dinner parties at anchor, the motor catamaran Power 67 by Fountaine Pajot will provide the highlights of a whole lifetime. Available in two versions: with the kitchen in the passageway or built into the saloon, the Power 67 remains stunning thanks to its modern and exclusive 5-star lounge. Experience the emotions of an unlimited view from this refined interior.