全国: | 上海:
    用途 包船租赁, 钓鱼运动
    甲板布局 封闭飞桥
    推动力 轴驱动
    船舱数量 未指定
    船体类型 排水船体
    材料 未指定
    长度 15.8 m (51'10")



推出的沿海牛仔,这个精英 16 米在 2007 年被她的新主人重命名后,原主人劳埃德·史蒂文森船厂建造了他一个 18 米版本的相同设计。 这艘船主要设计为家庭导向的巡洋舰,同时也满足挑剔的包机群体的需求,正在进行全面的 MSA 调查。

在 Mid Pilothouse 的设计配置中,发动机是轿车鞋底下的水分,这允许更平坦的轴角,从而提高了螺旋桨效率并降低了拔气。 通过前方客舱的门可以轻松进入发动机房,而轿车鞋底的大舱口可满足发动机维修和维护要求。 船体的形状是一个表现良好,适度的马力,并具有出色的海洋保持质量。


Coastal Cowgirl

Launched as Coastal Cowboy, this Elite 16m was renamed in 2007 by her new owner after the original owner had Lloyd Stevenson Boatbuilders build him an 18m version of the same design. Designed primarily as a family orientated cruiser, but also to cater for discerning charter groups, this vessel is under full MSA survey.

In the Mid Pilothouse design configuration the engines are amidships under the saloon sole, this allows for a flatter shaft angle which improves propellor efficiency and lowers draft. Easy access to the engine room is via a door in the forward guest cabin, while large hatches in the saloon sole cater for engine servicing and maintenance requirements. The hull form is one that performs well with modest horse-power and has excellent sea keeping qualities.