全国: | 上海:
    用途 巡游, 传统型
    风格 拖网渔船
    甲板布局 飞桥
    船舱数量 4舱, 5舱
    床位数量 8铺位
    船体类型 滑行船身, 半排水体
    其他特性 垂直艏柱式
    长度 17.7 m (58'00")



船长超过 17 米,正在建立在几个版本与多个布局和装饰包的选择。

该模型的主要特点,是内部空间的量,以及 “en plein 空气” 生活外甲板空间特大太阳床,这是由令人印象深刻的光束的游艇增强,四个人可以躺在前甲板太阳垫例如。 方便的靠背沙发座位也位于船头,阳光垫的前方。

飞桥提供所有的设施,包括转换为额外的日光浴床的餐桌椅、带冰箱和烧烤的夏季厨房/烧烤柜(应要求提供)。 后部可以根据业主的意愿安装,配备额外的日光浴床,或者用作托架/起重机区域。 驾驶舱设有一个舒适的起居区,清楚地表明,该项目已经深思熟虑,包括所有的小细节。 可靠性和人体工程学是船舶的关键因素,这可以在许多方面看到,并且经验丰富的水手将会感到欣赏。


Prolonged Cruises with enviable amount of room, total comfort, great efficiency with no quality compromise

The boat is over 17 meters long and is being built in several versions with a choice of several layouts and décor packages.

The main characteristics of the model, is the amount of space inside, as well as the “en plein air” living outside deck space featuring oversized sun beds, which are enhanced by the impressive beam of the yacht, four people can lie down on the foredeck sun pad for example. A convenient backrest sofa seat is also located at the bow, forward of the sun pad.

The fly bridge offers all the amenities, including a dinette converting to additional sun bed, a summer galley/barbeque cabinet (upon request) complete with fridge and grill. The rear section can be fitted out upon the owner’s wishes either with an additional sun beds or utilized as the tender/crane area. The cockpit features a comfortable living area which clearly shows that the project has been well thought out to include all the small details. Reliability and ergonomics are the key factors of the vessel and this can be seen in many ways and will be appreciated by the seasoned sailor.