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豪华拖网渔船IPS POD巡游机动游艇(15米飞桥3舱滑行船身)
    用途 巡游
    风格 拖网渔船
    甲板布局 飞桥
    推动力 IPS POD
    船舱数量 3舱
    船体类型 滑行船身
    长度 16 m (52'05")


海员的巨大梦想是买得起长的航行,注视天际,无需牺牲每日舒适可利用在大陆。没有疑义,Navetta 52豪华游艇在遇见这个欲望将成功,提高魅力和求知欲由于空间大小的组合,效率和她的细节的提炼。“Navetta 52的线"被认为为了利用在长度它的16,00米内的空间。有两间客舱近自主要客舱和它的私人浴室,双一个和双重一个与直接存取自洗手间。


The great dream of a seaman is to afford long sailings, gazing at the horizon, without sacrificing the daily comforts available on the mainland. With no doubt, the Navetta 52 luxury yacht will succeed in meeting this desire, raising charm and curiosity thanks to the combination of the spaces size, the efficiency and the refinement of her details. The lines of the “Navetta 52” have been thought in order to take advantage of the spaces within its 16,00 meter in length. There are two cabins near to the Master cabin and its private bathroom, the twin one, and the double one with direct access to the toilet.