全国: | 上海:
    用途 巡游
    甲板布局 飞桥
    船舱数量 3舱, 4舱
    床位数量 6铺位, 9床位
    长度x宽度 19.96 m (65'05")x5.2 m (17'00")
    吃水深度 1.58 m (5'02")
    巡航速度 31 kt
    最大速度 35 kt
    访客人数 16 人
    燃料容量 4,177 l (1,103 gal)
    淡水容量 1,080 l (285 gal)



受Targa 65获奖设计的启发,Fairline家族的最新成员在每个层面都提高了标准。在每一个线条、每一个细节和每一个功能中,你会发现无与伦比的平静和无与伦比的兴奋的完美平衡。

因此,如果你已经准备好相信这艘游艇是独一无二的,现在是你踏上Phantom 65的时候了。

放松和兴奋是一种精神状态。在Phantom 65上,它们同时存在,并且可以通过推动油门来改变。当你手捧香槟,看着世界的发展,在完美的奢华中放松,然后爬上运动桥,体验以35节的速度飞过世界的兴奋感。








Some say a phantom cannot be real and can only exist in one’s mind. We say otherwise. We say it’s time luxury and exhilaration co-existed. It’s time for the Phantom 65.

Inspired by the award-winning design of our Targa 65, the latest addition to the Fairline family raises the bar on every level. Within every line, every detail and every feature, you’ll find the perfect balance of unparalleled calm and unrivalled excitement.

So, if you’re ready to believe in a yacht like no other, it’s time you stepped aboard the Phantom 65.

Relaxation and excitement are states of mind. They exist together on the Phantom 65 and can change at the push of a throttle. Unwind in perfect luxury as you watch the world go by with champagne in hand, then climb up to the sportsbridge and experience the exhilaration as the world flies by at 35 knots.

An interior that’s as serene as the sea breeze itself

As one luxurious space flows effortlessly into the next, thanks to dynamic diagonal lines and an array of beautifully handcrafted materials, you can relax knowing wherever you are onboard, you’ll feel perfectly at peace. And with up to four cabins, there is no shortage of luxury accommodation.


Whether you’re enjoying the additional space onboard to relax and unwind, or the wind rushing through your hair from the elevated driving position, the Phantom’s sportsbridge takes the thrill of exploring the sea to a whole new level.


Placed intuitively between the cockpit and the saloon, the luxurious galley ensures you’re never away from the fun. Whether you’re entertaining guests with perfectly chilled champagne or preparing warm treats for a quiet night in with the family.