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宽敞豪华运动封闭飞桥IPS POD巡游机动游艇(设计感与性能并存)
    用途 巡游, 运动
    甲板布局 封闭飞桥
    船舱数量 3舱
    床位数量 6铺位
    长度x宽度 19.71 m (64'07")x5.7 m (18'08")
    吃水深度 1.65 m (5'04")
    燃料容量 4,500 l (1,189 gal)
    淡水容量 800 l (211 gal)


Riviera 卓越的 58 运动型机动游艇是数十年创新和发展的结晶;它将更轻、更坚固的材料、先进的船体设计和领先的造船方法结合在一起。

我们的运动型机动游艇的设计灵感来自于全球经验丰富的里维埃拉船主的愿望清单,这些游艇的设计独具匠心,它们都有一个共同的愿景,那就是在绝对豪华的环境中进行无限的冒险。新款 58 提供了所有 SMY 的基本要素,包括宽阔整洁的全水域运动驾驶舱、可步行的侧甲板、前甲板休息室和娱乐区、全天候露天甲板娱乐区以及宽敞豪华的沙龙,沙龙内部设有通往全封闭空调飞桥的楼梯和先进的舵手。三间客房、三间浴室的住宿甲板上设有豪华的全舷主套房和多功能杂物间或船员舱。卓越的工程设计与她的运动性能相得益彰,行驶平稳高效。



Riviera’s outstanding 58 Sports Motor Yacht is the result of decades of innovation and evolution; combining lighter, stronger materials, an advanced hull design and leading-edge boat building methods.

Inspired by a wish list from our global family of experienced Riviera owners, our Sports Motor Yachts are uniquely specified craft that share a single vision of unlimited adventure in absolute luxury. The new 58 offers all the SMY essentials including a wide and uncluttered all water sports cockpit, walk around side decks, foredeck lounge and entertaining zone, all weather alfresco deck entertaining and spacious, luxurious saloon with internal staircase to a fully-enclosed air-conditioned flybridge and state-of-the-art helm. The three stateroom, three bathroom accommodation deck features a luxurious full-beam master suite, and versatile utility room or crew cabin. Engineering excellence matches her sports performance with a very smooth, and efficient ride.

Enjoy new levels of luxury living, entertaining and relaxing, with more accommodation and amenity; all with that signature Riviera spirit of adventure, proven blue-water pedigree and easy-to-use technology.