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16米安静舒适硬顶3舱IPS POD巡游机动游艇(强动力运动型游艇)
    用途 巡游
    甲板布局 硬顶
    船舱数量 3舱
    材料 未指定, GRP
    长度x宽度 16 m (52'05")x4.4 m (14'05")
    巡航速度 28 kt
    最大速度 36 kt
    燃料容量 2,368 l (626 gal)



谁不喜欢阳光灿烂的日子在水面上? 但是当太阳整天都在外面时,有点遮阳可以是一种值得欢迎的解脱。 为此,我们建造了 Wajer 55 HT,这是受人尊敬的 Wajer 55 的硬顶版本。 她与开放式 55 一样快速,舒适和诱人,但与滑动屋顶覆盖驾驶舱和部分内部的附加好处。 太阳爱好者,不要害怕。 前面的太阳垫和后面的休息区仍然是阳光明媚的。


在开发 Wajer 55 HT 时,我们已尽一切可能将业主和他们的客人放在舞台的中心位置,并优化整个船上体验。 我们的目标是打造一艘强大的摩托艇,将运动外观与卓越的舒适度和先进的创新结合在一起。


Wajer 55 HT 非常安静,强大,三个 435 马力 IPS600 沃尔沃五角发动机通过操纵杆驱动操作。 她的高科技 V 型设计船体、出色的平衡性和有效的喷雾导轨使乘坐顺畅干燥。


Cover model

Who doesn’t love a sunny day on the water? But when the sun is out all day every day, a bit of shade can be a welcome relief. For that, we’ve built the Wajer 55 HT – the hard-top version of the esteemed Wajer 55. She’s just as fast, comfortable and alluring as the open 55, but with the added benefit of a sliding roof that covers the cockpit and part of the interior. Sun lovers, fear not. The sun pad out front and the lounge area in the back are still sunny as ever.

Comfort and sports

In developing the Wajer 55 HT we have done everything possible to place owners and their guests centre stage and optimise the entire on board experience. Our goal was to create a powerful motorboat which marries a sporty exterior with an exceptional degree of comfort and state-of-the-art innovations.

Quiet Power

The Wajer 55 HT is very quiet and impressively powerful, with three 435 hp IPS600 Volvo Penta engines operated via joystick drive. Her high-tech V-design hull, excellent balance and effective spray rails make for a smooth and dry ride.