全国: | 上海:
    用途 巡游
    甲板布局 开放式
    推动力 水力喷射
    船舱数量 3舱
    材料 未指定, GRP
    长度x宽度 16 m (52'05")x4.4 m (14'05")
    巡航速度 28 kt
    最大速度 38 kt
    燃料容量 2,368 l (626 gal)



以太阳为向导,以地中海为游乐场,不管你的航向在哪里,只需轻轻转动手腕,就能在后方释放出Wajer 55的动力,将你最轻松地推向前方。只需手腕轻轻一动,Wajer 55的引擎就会在后方释放出强大的动力,以最轻松的方式将你推向前方。完美平衡,却又如此刺激。


在开发Wajer 55的过程中,我们尽一切可能将船主和他们的客人置于中心位置,并优化整个船上的体验。我们的目标是创造出一艘强大的摩托艇,将运动型的外观与卓越的舒适度和最先进的创新技术相结合。

Wajer 55 Tender

当你习惯了某种奢华的生活,很难再退一步。有了Wajer 55作为您的游艇的招标,您就不必这样做了。Wajer可以由一个人操作,容易上船,可以存放在游艇车库里,也可以作为追逐船拖走。使她成为特别合适的支援船。

如果您正在寻找一艘高级周末游艇,一艘为您的家庭提供更多空间的游艇,或者为您的超级游艇提供一艘招标艇,请不要错过Wajer 55。她速度快,空间大,无论是与更大的船搭配,还是与更大的船搭配,都是绝对的美。




The world's smallest superyacht

With the sun as your guide and the Mediterranean your playground, it doesn’t matter where you set course for. One flick of the wrist is all it takes to unleash the power of the Wajer 55’s engines out back, thrusting you forward with the greatest ease. Perfectly balanced, yet so exciting.

Owners first

In developing the Wajer 55 we have done everything possible to place owners and their guests centre stage and optimise the entire on board experience. Our goal was to create a powerful motorboat which marries a sporty exterior with an exceptional degree of comfort and state-of-the-art innovations.

Wajer 55 Tender

When you’re accustomed to a certain luxury, it’s hard to take a step back. With a Wajer 55 as tender to your yacht, you don’t have to. A Wajer can be operated by a single person, is easy to board and can be stored in a tender garage or towed as a chase boat. Making her exceptionally suitable as a support vessel.

If you’re looking for a superior weekender, a yacht with more room for your family or a tender for your superyacht, look no further than the Wajer 55. She’s fast, she’s spacious and an absolute beauty in her own right or paired with an even bigger boat.

Wajer Care

Half the enjoyment of owning a Wajer is knowing she’s well taken care of. From maintaining your boat to stocking up your fridge, our crew provides full service all over the world, remotely or from our local hubs.