全国: | 上海:
    用途 巡游, 快速
    甲板布局 硬顶
    船舱数量 2舱
    长度x宽度 18.6 m (61'00")x3.4 m (11'01")
    吃水深度 1 m (3'03")
    巡航速度 40 kt
    最大速度 60 kt
    燃料容量 3,000 l (793 gal)
    淡水容量 400 l (106 gal)



Supertermoli ST60和ST50型号的船主喜欢感受比赛道上更高的肾上腺素,但理性的情感可以选择享受安全的高速巡航。





JOLLY DRIVE SPECIAL "推进系统、实时操作的襟翼和螺旋桨,都是JOLLY DRIVE公司的产品,代表了最高的技术水平。 Supertermoli的技术和专业知识已经产生了一个可与超级跑车相媲美的船只:速度极快,但也能够以大大超过许多其他船只的上限的巡航速度安全航行。


SuperTermoli lines of models are high-speed powerboats specifically designed for Special Operations.

The owner of the Supertermoli ST60 and ST50 models loves to feel adrenaline rush even higher than that of the race-track, but reasoned emotions can choose to enjoy safe high speed cruising.

Special seats bring guests at ease to let them experience the thrill of flying at 70 knots (self-limited), a performance comparable to that of a racing car launched over 300 km/h.

At anchor or dock it offers the pleasure of a drink in the cockpit or sitting on sofas in the cabin, get a sun-tan with mattresses on the deck at the stern or bow, get in and out the water using the platforms and stairs drawn on the long tail. The sporty design is softened by the sinuous curves that shape the bridge.

The windscreen protects the crew wrapping it like a hug. In the cabin, we can appreciate the pleasure of luxury and a comfortable berth for the night.

They are boats full of Italian technology and represent the state of the art of shipbuilding and mechanical engineering for boating. The hull, engines, transmissions and all technical equipment are produced with advanced technologies. Its boats for high performance and high standards of safety and reliability.

The "JOLLY DRIVE SPECIAL" propulsion system , the flaps operated in real time and the propellers, are all products made by JOLLY DRIVE and represent the highest technological level.

The technologies and expertise Supertermoli have given rise to a vessel comparable to a supercar: tremendously fast, but also able to navigate safely at cruising speeds substantially above the upper limits of many other boats.