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快速飞桥IPS POD远程巡游机动游艇(船体智能设计巡航性能强)
    用途 巡游, 快速
    甲板布局 飞桥
    船舱数量 4舱
    船体类型 半排水体
    材料 未指定
    长度 22.84 m (74'11")


棕榈滩 70 是该公司令人惊叹的新旗舰车型,诞生于客户需求,基于标志性的 PB65 的成功。 拥有与棕榈滩相同的流畅线条,但拥有更多的空间,PB70 是一款令人难以置信的远程巡洋舰和理想的艺人。 跳上船,体验我们认为是有史以来最好的 70 ′ 单鸥,具有卓越的操控性和一级的性能。 凭借高品质的工艺、豪华的家具和创新的技术,我们的目标是生产出一款同类的舒适远洋巡洋舰,这款巡洋舰是热情、高效和强大的,并具有您与棕榈滩汽车游艇相关的所有永恒的吸引力。


PB70 的标准驱动系统是双沃尔沃 IPS 1350,可提供 32 结巡航速度,或估计最高速 38 节。 或者选择 D13 1000 马力轴驱动器,在 20 海里中间提供巡航速度,在 30 海里提供最高速度。 轴驱动器以 55% 负载提供舒适的 24 结巡航,在两个发动机之间使用 48 加仑/小时或 181 升/小时,在高速巡航中提供 793 纳米的令人印象深刻的范围。 观看视频,了解这个非常高效的船体在 24 节时的尾声有多平坦。


所有棕榈滩都采用半排量扭曲的船体设计,使船头能够在水中切片,而不是浪费能量爬上水面。 这导致几乎没有唤醒,并提供了一个令人难以置信的稳定骑行。 在 PB70 时尚美丽的美学之下,一艘坚固耐用的适航游艇的核心。


The Palm Beach 70 is the company’s stunning new flagship model that was born from customer demand, building on the success of the iconic PB65. Featuring the same sleek flowing lines expected of a Palm Beach but with even more space, the PB70 is an incredible long-range cruiser and the ideal entertainer. Jump on board to experience what we think is the best performing 70′ monohull ever created, with superior handling and next-level performance. With quality craftsmanship, deluxe furnishings and innovative technology, our goal was to produce a best-in-class comfortable ocean-going cruiser that is equal parts welcoming, efficient and powerful, and has all the timeless appeal you associate with a Palm Beach Motor Yacht.

Next-Level Cruising Performance

The PB70’s standard drive trains are twin Volvo IPS 1350s, which deliver a 32-knot cruise speed, or an estimated top speed of 38 knots. Or opt for D13 1000-hp shaftdrives, offering cruise speeds in the mid-20 knots and top speeds in the early 30 knots. The shaft drives deliver a comfortable 24-knot cruise at 55% load, using 48 gallons/h or 181 L/h between both engines, offering an impressive range of 793 nm at a high-speed cruise. Watch the video to see how flat the wake is on this very efficient hull at 24 knots.

Smarter Hull Design

All Palm Beaches are designed with a semi-displacement warped hull so the bow slices through the water rather than wasting energy to climb atop it. This results in almost no wake and provides an incredibly stable ride. Beneath the PB70’s sleek and beautiful aesthetics beats the heart of a rugged, seaworthy yacht.