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可定制宽敞飞桥IPS POD巡游机动游艇(内饰豪华耐用性高)
    用途 巡游
    甲板布局 飞桥
    船舱数量 3舱
    床位数量 7舱位
    长度x宽度 15.45 m (50'08")x4.2 m (13'09")
    总吨位 14 t (15.4 us ton)
    巡航速度 20 kt, 31 kt
    最大速度 34 kt
    船员人数 15 unit
    燃料容量 1,500 l (396 gal)
    淡水容量 342 l (90 gal)


诺德之星49 SCY从驾驶舱到飞桥都充满了豪华和品质。这艘同级最大的系列化生产船,在不影响强度和耐久性的前提下,提供了最先进的驾驶舒适性和豪华生活。该船的手工层压船体、手工喷涂的凝胶涂层、强大的机器和顶级的离岸功能确保了安全耐用的全天候旅行。宽敞的步行式甲板,配备扶手,确保船内安全、快捷、畅通无阻。豪华的内饰材料以及船甲板和飞桥的功能都可以根据客户的意愿进行定制。三间宽敞高大的船舱,一个两层的沙龙和一个中型日间巡航船大小的飞桥,为更大的聚会提供了足够的空间。


The Nord Star 49 SCY is full of luxury and quality from cockpit to flybridge. This largest serial production boat in its class offers cutting-edge driving comfort and luxurious living without compromising strength and durability. The boat's hand-laminated hull, hand-painted gel coating, powerful machine and top-notch offshore features ensure a safe and durable all-weather traveling. The spacious walkaround deck with handrails ensures safe, fast and unobstructed passage around the boat. The luxurious interior materials as well as the features of the boat deck and the flybridge can be customized according to the customer's wishes. Three spacious, high cabins, a two-level saloon and a flybridge size of a mid-sized day cruiser provide enough space for even a larger party.