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适航大空间硬顶飞桥IPS POD巡游机动游艇(24米设计精良的概念游艇)
    用途 巡游
    甲板布局 飞桥, 硬顶
    船舱数量 4舱
    床位数量 8铺位
    长度x宽度 23.8 m (78'01")x6 m (19'08")
    吃水深度 1.6 m (5'02")
    最大速度 30 kt
    船员人数 2 unit
    访客人数 8 unit


Rivera 780是一艘24米的概念游艇,是KABE YACHTS新设计系列的第一艘。引人注目的光滑线条,引人注目的玻璃使用,船头的舒适区和创新的外观强调了Rivera的优雅风格,吸引了观众的目光。

里维拉780的最大速度为30节,将为您带来纯粹的航海乐趣。她完美的外形保证了理想的航行条件和性能特点。同时,8名客人可以在2名船员的陪同下在船上度过时光。船首部分的弹出保证了甲板下有更多的空间,这使得Rivera 780有更舒适的地方。



Rivera 780 is a 24 meter concept yacht and a first of a new design line from KABE YACHTS. The eye-catching sleek lines, striking use of glass, comfort zone on a bow and innovative look emphasizes Rivera’s elegant style and catches eyes of the viewers.

With a maximum speed of 30 knots Rivera 780 will provide a pure joy of sailing. Her perfect shape promises ideal sailing conditions and performance characteristics. At the same time 8 guest can spend time aboard accompanied by 2 crew members. Ejected part of the bow guarantees more space under deck, which make Rivera 780 more comfortable place.

Following pure perfection, we have created an immaculate beauty whose elegance and slender shapes naturally blend in with the surrounding water creating unity. When you look at this gently and perfectly planned figure with a slight touch of majesty and luxury, you know that somewhere there is a wild character hidden inside.