全国: | 上海:
    用途 探险, 钓鱼
    风格 拖网渔船
    甲板布局 飞桥, 高台驾驶室
    船体类型 排水船体
    材料 玻璃纤维
    长度 74'06" (22.71 m)


LOA74" 5"

LWL66" 8"

BEAM22" 4"


排量:303,000 磅(满载)

Nordhavn 已经采取了它最擅长的东西,建造长距离豪华远征游艇,并结合了锦标赛渔民发现的所有捕鱼功能和索具,以创造出一款真正可以 去追随世界上任何鱼。 一个巨大的钓鱼驾驶舱、双 60 加仑的饵井、35 立方英尺的深冻液、丰富的装备和渔具储物以及所有的钓竿支架和操纵深海垂钓者可能想要拥有众多钓鱼功能。

在恶劣天气下,N75 EYF 更安全,当海况迫使运行速度较慢时,这始终是渔民所发现典型的小型舵的主要缺点(N75 EYF 的标准稳定器也保证在崎岖的海上舒适驾驶)。 此外,EYF 的 22 英尺四英寸光束允许新的诺德哈夫标准功能:双引擎。 单螺丝不是一种选择。 N75 EYF 运动底特律系列 60 柴油机和每小时 12 至 15 加仑的巡航速度燃油燃烧 — — 与典型的运动员相比,这是一个涓涓流与嘈杂的巨兽柴油每小时吞吐量为 100 至 200 加仑或更多。 为什么不以昂贵的高速换乘高效率、安静的舒适度、四星级豪华以及按照自己的节奏探索世界首屈一指的捕鱼点呢?



LOA74’ 5"

LWL66’ 8"

BEAM22’ 4"

Draft7’6” (full load)

Displacement:303,000 lbs. (full load)

Nordhavn has taken what it does best, building long-range luxury expedition yachts, and incorporated all the fishing features and rigging found on tournament sportfishers to create a yacht that can truly go after any fish in the world. An enormous fishing cockpit, dual 60-gallon baitwells, a 35-cubic-foot deep freeze, plentiful gear and tackle storage and all the rod holders and rigging a deep-sea angler could ever want top a long list of fishing features.

The N75 EYF is safer in rough weather when sea conditions force a slower running speed, which is always a major downside to the typical small rudders found on sportfishers (the N75 EYF’s standard stabilizers also promise a comfortable ride in rough seas). Additionally, the EYF’s 22 -foot four-inch beam permits a new Nordhavn standard feature: twin engines. A single screw is not an option. The N75 EYF sports Detroit Series 60 diesels and a cruising-speed fuel burn of 12 to 15 gallons per hour – a trickle compared to a typical sportfisher built for nothing but speed with noisy behemoth diesels guzzling 100 to 200 gallons or more per hour. Why not trade expensive high speed for high efficiency, quiet comfort, four-star luxury and the ability to explore the world’s premier fishing spots at your own pace?

Another heavy advantage over typical sportfishers is there is no weight penalty for all the equipment and furnishings that make life grand.