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    用途 巡游, 钓鱼
    甲板布局 硬顶
    船舱数量 2舱
    床位数量 4铺位, 3铺位
    长度x宽度 18.15 m (59'06")x4.5 m (14'09")
    吃水深度 1.29 m (4'02")
    巡航速度 25 kt
    燃料容量 4,250 l (1,123 gal)
    淡水容量 2,700 l (713 gal)


Windy的理念一直是设计和建造在风格和性能上树立新基准的船只。只与世界上最伟大的设计师和工匠合作,利用他们的热情和技能,Windy已经能够建立一个被许多人羡慕的名字和产品。2008年,Windy SR52黑鸟号的委托为Windy提供了与公司外部的设计师和海军建筑师合作的第一次机会。SR52 Blackbird为Windy开辟了一个新的世界,将该品牌作为世界上最好的小艇的建造者引入超级游艇领域,而Malcolm McKeon对该模型的设计起到了关键作用。能够再次与他合作,我们感到非常兴奋。

Windy SLR 60是一艘强大的60英尺小艇,具有强烈的个性和明确的双重目的。它是挪威动力艇建造商Windy与Malcolm McKeon游艇设计公司合作的第一艘船。Windy SLR 60在25节时的航程为850海里,它被设计成用于长距离游览的终极超级游艇小艇。然而,它也将作为一个非常灵活的运动船,用于潜水和钓鱼,以及支持岸边的探索。

第一艘船是由一位经验丰富的超级游艇船主委托设计的,以满足他们严格的要求。SLR 60的特点是详细的设计,反映了她的超级游艇母船的设计。在第一艘SLR 60交付后,Windy Scandinavia AB期待着该设计能在瑞典的Windy船厂投入生产,使其成为目前最大的Windy,并将60英尺的船作为公司的旗舰产品。


Windy’s philosophy has always been to design and build boats that set a new benchmark of style and performance. Working only with the world’s greatest designers and craftsmen, drawing on their passion and skill, Windy has been able to build a name and a product that is envied by many. The commission of the Windy SR52 Blackbird in 2008 provided the first opportunity for Windy to partner with designers and naval architects external to the company. The SR52 Blackbird opened up a new world for Windy, introducing the brand to the superyacht sector as the builder of the world’s finest chaseboat, and Malcolm McKeon was intrinsic to the design of that model. We are incredibly excited to be working with him again.

Windy SLR 60 is a powerful 60ft chaseboat with a strong personality and clear dual purpose. It is the first boat to bring together Norwegian powerboat builder Windy with Malcolm McKeon Yacht Design. With a range of 850 nautical miles at 25 knots, the Windy SLR 60 has been designed to be the ultimate superyacht chaseboat for long distance excursions. However, it will also serve as a very nimble sports boat for diving and fishing, as well as support shoreside exploration.

The first vessel has been commissioned by an experienced superyacht owner and has been designed to meet their stringent requirements. The SLR 60 features detailed design accents that mirror those of her superyacht mothership. Following delivery of this first SLR 60, Windy Scandinavia AB is looking forward to the design going into production at the Windy yard in Sweden, making it the largest Windy available and establishing the 60-footer as the company’s flagship.