全国: | 上海:
    用途 巡游
    甲板布局 飞桥
    发动机种类 舷外
    船舱数量 3舱
    材料 铝制
    长度x宽度 18.46 m (60'06")x4.8 m (15'08")
    吃水深度 0.92 m (3'00")
    巡航速度 28 kt
    最大速度 41 kt
    燃料容量 4,500 l (1,189 gal)
    淡水容量 823 l (217 gal)



当你自豪地拥有EDGE 65时,周末将不再是相同的了。它的最高速度为40节,能够舒适地横渡海洋,并且由于吃水不足3英尺,还能探索浅水区,世界就在你脚下。折叠式平台横跨约48平方米的甲板空间,提供终极的户外生活,内部设计满足您的特定品味和要求,EDGE 65将确保您在水上的时间创造许多特别的回忆。

本页介绍的EDGE 65配备了四台水星V12 Verados舷外发动机,提供了令人振奋的2400马力的总功率。游艇的每个方面都经过优化,以利于速度和减少水下摩擦。基于大量的工程设计和聪明的思维,我们也可以提供一个船内推进的选项,你在这里看到的发布模型就是这样的。

EDGE 65的强大性能与最佳的航海舒适性相匹配。这是第一艘采用Petestep革命性船体技术的Van der Valk,三个导流板呈V字形安装,从根本上减少阻力和撞击,提高速度,为您提供最干燥和最顺畅的航行。

EDGE 65的设计提供了大量的封闭空间,在20米长的船上可以尽可能地接近水面。宽大的船尾甲板变成了一个户外娱乐平台,折叠式的阳台创造了大约8平方米的额外空间。飞桥上还有空间放置一个专用的起重机,使游艇能够装载一个小型投标和/或水上摩托艇。



Weekends will never be the same again when you’re the proud owner of an EDGE 65. Combining a 40-knot top speed with the ability to make ocean crossings in comfort and also explore shallow waters thanks to a draught of under three feet, the world is at your feet. With a fold-out platform spanning some 48 square metres of deck space offering the ultimate in outdoor life, and an interior designed to meet your specific tastes and requirements, the EDGE 65 will ensure your time on the water creates many special memoires.

The EDGE 65 featured on these pages was fitted with four Mercury V12 Verados outboard engines, offering an exhilarating total of 2400 hp. Every aspect of the yacht was optimised to benefit speed and reduce underwater friction. An inboard propulsion option is also available based on the tremendous amount of engineering and smart thinking that went into the launch model you see here.

The EDGE 65’s powerful performance is matched by optimum seakeeping comfort. This is the first Van der Valk to feature Petestep’s revolutionary hull technology, with three deflectors fitted in a V-shape to radically reduce resistance and slamming, boost speed and give you the driest as well as smoothest ride.

The design of the EDGE 65 provides for an exceptional amount of enclosed real estate and the option to be as close to the water as possible on a 20-metre boat. The large aft deck morphs into an outdoor pleasure platform with fold-down balconies creating some eight square metres of additional space. There is also room on the flybridge for a dedicated crane to enable the yacht to carry a small tender and/or jet ski.