全国: | 上海:
    用途 巡游
    甲板布局 飞桥
    长度x宽度 20.15 m (66'01")x5.2 m (17'00")
    访客人数 16 人
    燃料容量 3,300 l (872 gal)
    淡水容量 700 l (185 gal)


Cranchi Yachts的研究中心正在进行一个新的项目:Cranchi Sessantadue 62英尺,这是一艘新的飞桥游艇,总长20.15米,船身长17.68米。

这个新模型将加强Cranchi Yachts旗舰系列的阵容,使其更加完整,将加入78英尺的Settantotto和67英尺的Sessantasette。



设计的细节将在本网页和Cranchi Yachts的社交媒体上逐一揭晓,引领游艇爱好者们去发现游艇的真正本质。

船体 阿尔多-克兰奇

设计:Centro Studi Ricerche

艺术指导 Christian Grande

CE 类别 B


Cranchi Yachts’ Research Studies Centre is working on a new project: the Cranchi Sessantadue 62 ft, a new flybridge yacht with an overall length of 20.15 metres and hull length of 17.68 metres.

This new model will enhance the line-up of Cranchi Yachts’ Flagship Collection and make it even more complete, going to join the Settantotto 78 ft and Sessantasette 67 ft.

For this new project, the art direction will once again be handled by Christian Grande, guaranteeing family feeling with the company's two widely appreciated larger models. While it may be the smallest of the three, the Sessantadue 62 ft will give up nothing in terms of having distinctive and peculiar characteristics both in its exterior lines and the choice of interior decor.

The yacht will also feature extraordinary technology and design solutions to guarantee the very highest levels of liveability, comfort and safety on this model, too.

The details of the design will be unveiled one piece at a time on this page and through Cranchi Yachts’ social media profiles, leading boat enthusiasts on a voyage of discovery of the true essence of yachting.

HULL Aldo Cranchi

DESIGN Centro Studi Ricerche

ART DIRECTION Christian Grande