产品简介代码零是在热那亚和为航行使用接近风在一级风的一艘不对称的大三角帆之间的一个十字架。零的代码最初是尝试通过做到达的关闭的大热那亚徊避一个对估计的规则在测量与非重复genaos的小船。代码零避过规则通过测量作为与形状的一艘非常狭窄平的大三角帆相似与一到达的geona。当没压抑通过对规则估计,巡航的水手更大量有在“代码”风帆的大小和形状的选择。英国修帆工提供两个不同巡航的代码风帆依靠您的小船是否有重叠的热那亚或非重复热那亚。 因为那个风帆计划对夫妇是容易处理,许多现代巡航的小船来与大主帆和非重复三角帆。代码零为这些小船,当小船从敲打,负担可以使用。风帆是非常平的和为关闭到达设计。它有几乎平直的逆风行驶,风帆的足长度的一条中间肚带大约60-65%。这个风帆比大三角帆是接近在形状与一位传统漂流物。即使这个风帆小于代码零在种族小船,它比非重复三角帆的大小两次是更多并且给关闭到达的更多力量。平直的逆风行驶,风帆很好卷起。45显示的Berckemeyer以上有零此种的代码。 英文介绍The Code Zero is a cross between a genoa and an asymmetrical spinnaker that is used for sailing close to the wind in light air. Code Zero was initially an attempt to circumvent a rating rule by making a large genoa for close reaching on boats that were measured with non-overlapping genaos. The Code Zero got around the rule by measuring in as a very narrow-flat spinnaker with shape similar to a reaching geona. When not constrained by rating rules, cruising sailors have a lot more options on the size and shape of a "code" sail.UK Sailmakers offers two different Cruising Code sails depending on whether your boat has an overlapping genoa or a non-overlapping genoa. Many modern cruising boats come with large mainsails and non-overlapping jibs because that sail-plan is easier for couples to handle. The Code Zero for these boats can be used as soon as the the boat bears off from a beat. The sail is very flat and is designed for close reaching. It has a nearly straight luff, a mid girth about 60-65% of the sail's foot length. This sail is closer in shape to a traditional drifter than a spinnaker. Even though this sail is smaller than a Code Zero on a race boat, it is more than twice the size of the non-overlapping jib and gives much more power for close reaching. With a straight luff, the sail rolls up very well. The Berckemeyer 45 shown above has this type of Code Zero. |
上一篇:传统帆船用顺风帆 | 下一篇:三径向切割不对称大三角帆(不等边大三角帆) |
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