全国: | 上海:
    类型 主帆
    应用 帆船用
    切割 横缝
    其他特性 带卷帆器


我们的巡航主帆采用横切设计,结合 Contender Supercruiser 系列的耐用帆布,确保您的巡航帆使用寿命长,即使是最敬业的水手也不例外。对于使用收卷主帆的船员来说,帆条的位置经过精心设计,当巡航帆收起时不会重叠,从而最大限度地降低了帆卡在桅杆上的风险。使用 K&A Sails 的新巡航主帆,您将体验到新巡航帆的美妙感觉,如果您的帆船有卷帆装置,那么新巡航帆的刚性帆布也能很好地适应卷帆装置。巡航帆的后缘有修剪线,帆椼上也有标记。

- 横切帆

- 优化的劈帆、三角帆和头帆加固装置

- 船头和桅杆上的织带

- 桨叶和桨脚的修剪线

- 防紫外线

- 夹板上的铝块

- 泄密装置

4-5 条立式短帆带,收帆时不会重叠。这样可以使帆梢的形状更圆,增加几平方米的帆面积。




Our cruising mainsails are made with a crosscut design combined with a durable sailcloth from Contender's Supercruiser range, ensuring a long life for your cruising sail, even for the most dedicated sailor. For those with a furling mainsail, the battens are strategically placed so that they do not overlap when the cruising sail is furled, minimizing the risk of the sail getting stuck in the mast. With a new mainsail for cruising from K&A Sails, you will experience the wonderful feeling of a new cruising sail with rigid sailcloth that is also well adapted for furling if your sailboat has this. In the cruising sail's trailing edges there are trim lines and tell-tales in the leech.

Furling Mainsail standard design
- Crosscut

- Optimized reinforcements in clew, tack and head

- Webbing in head and clew

- Trim lines in the leech and foot

- UV protection

- Aluminum blocks in the clew

- Tell-tales

Optional Battens
4-5 standing short battens that do not overlap when furling. The sail creates a rounder shape on the leech and provides a few extra square meters of sail.

Optional Numbers & Logo
Customize the sail with the boat manufacturer's logo and sail numbers/letters to show your boat's identity!

Optional Measurement
For sails we do not have ready-made measurements, you can choose to measure existing sails yourself or send them to us for measurement.