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    类型 漂浮式
    材料 混凝土



Walcon海洋有限公司自豪地在英国,从哥特人,瑞典的SF小游艇船坞代表专门研究生产头号,所有具体聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料商业浮动防堤浮船结构。 SF小游艇船坞生产浮动具体防堤自1984年以来并且是浮船防堤制造的专家。

浮动防堤通常停泊与链子、坠子和船锚。 迄今没有这些防堤浮船的失败甚而在飓风天气情况。

当波浪在被保护的地点打破和防堤例如出海口和盐水湖,可观的波浪研究被执行了在过去20年期间对使用浮式建筑物。 通过船和短周期波浪苏醒可能在游艇港口和小游艇船坞仍然创造令人不快的条件。 最近经验表示,浮动浮船防堤是有效的在变稀的波浪在少量的站点。


Concrete floating pontoons and floating breakwater pontoons provide wave protection for inshore marinas and yacht harbours.

Walcon Marine Ltd is proud to represent in the UK, SF Marina from Gothenburg, Sweden, who specialise in the production of top quality, all concrete styrofoam commercial floating breakwater pontoon structures. SF Marina has been producing floating concrete breakwaters since 1984 and is specialist in the manufacture of pontoon breakwaters.

The floating breakwaters are usually moored with chains, sinkers and anchors. To date there have been no failures of these breakwater pontoons even in hurricane weather conditions.

Considerable wave research has been carried out over the last 20 years on the use of floating structures as wave breaks and breakwaters in sheltered locations such as estuaries and lagoons. The wakes of passing vessels and short period waves can still create unpleasant conditions in yacht harbours and marinas. Recent experience has shown that floating pontoon breakwaters are effective in attenuating waves in marginal sites.