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    类型 漂浮式
    材料 混凝土


经过一年的项目申请和设计,波托纳公司的 T 型船坞更换项目取得了显著进展,州政府和联邦政府已经批准了施工许可。项目分为两个部分。
2.由于本项目的特殊性,新码头是过去 30 年来第一次全新亮相。因此,码头的更换一直广受关注。从现在起,我们将拆除旧码头,并用起重机将其回收利用。


After a year of project application and design, Potona has make a remarkable progress for T-docks replacement that states government and Federal government has approved the permit for construction work. The projects divided into 2 parts.
1. When old pontoons are removed, in the meanwhile, Potona has completed the work of Aluminum new pontoons assembly on shore. Now, main body of docks assembly itself has been finished, including the relevant parts like Pontoon, panel, fender, cleat , conjunction . When old docks are completely removed, we can put new docks on water. This will be a huge contrast on scene.
2. Owe to particularity of this project, The new docks are the first time to become completely brand new since last 30 years. Therefore, the replacement of docks have been widely concern. From now on, we will remove the old docks and put them on recycling service by crane.