全国: | 上海:
    类型 漂浮式
    用途 离水停泊
    应用 用于海港, 水上摩托车,
    船用, 私人住宅家用
    材料 HDPE
    可选颜色 灰色, 米色
    其他特性 泡沫填充


其他公司销售产品......Candock 销售解决方案!

JETSLIDE 是一种独特的已获专利的干船坞系统,可保护您的船只船体免受贝类和海洋植被的积聚。随着时间的推移,这些积聚物可能会影响您船只的性能。有了 JETSLIDE,您就可以省去维护费用,避免水上摩托过早磨损。它易于组装、清洁、美观、非常灵活,并与不同类型的水上摩托艇兼容。JETSLIDE 还能让您安全地在游艇周围行走。不再有金属结构阻碍您的视线。JETSLIDE 无需维护,可用作水上摩托艇码头或游艇码头。


Other companies sell products… Candock sells solutions!

The JETSLIDE is a unique patented dry dock system that protects the hull of your watercraft from the accumulation of shellfish and marine vegetation. Over time, these kinds of accumulations could affect your boat’s performance. With the JETSLIDE, you’ll eliminate both maintenance costs and premature wear and tear on your watercraft. It’s easy to assemble, clean, aesthetic, very flexible, and compatible with different types of watercraft. The JETSLIDE also enables you to walk safely around your pleasure craft. No more metal structures obstructing your view. The JETSLIDE requires no maintenance and is used as a jet ski dock or boat dock.