全国: | 上海:
    类型 漂浮式, 可调节
    用途 系泊
    应用 用于海港, 用于港口, 用于水上乐园,
    水上摩托车, 私人住宅家用, 用于游艇,
    用于皮划艇, 船坞, 大型活动
    材料 铝, 电镀钢, 钢, 不锈钢
    其他特性 定制


我们所有的浮动码头都是根据项目需求定制的,并且可以根据具体需求具有可变的负载和浮动范围。 码头可以安装电气或供水系统以及所有配件,供最终用户使用。
固定结构的基本结构包括热浸镀锌钢梁根据 UNI EN ISO 1461 或防渗铝 6060 T5-6 制成,焊接在一起,以获得一个坚实的支撑框架,由电气隔离的铝麻布完成,在其上由异国情调的地板制成 贵重木材或 WPC(木塑复合材料是固定的)。


它们由钢筋混凝土中的特殊产品制成,通过添加闭孔聚苯乙烯泡沫块使其不沉没。 高位移和龙骨的存在不仅在水中提供了一个特殊的稳定性, 但甚至创建波浪的轻微衰减的结构

模块都配备了防滑表面处理过的混凝土和/或覆盖在异国情调的珍贵木材或 WPC (木塑复合材料), 以及异国情调的珍贵木材, 木塑复合材料或 EVA (醋酸乙酯) 的周边挡泥板.


All our floating docks are custom made, according to project needs and can have variable load and float ranges according to the specific need. The docks can be fitted with electrical or water systems and all accessories for the end users.
The basic structure of the fixed construction consists of hot-dip galvanised steel beams made according to UNI EN ISO 1461 or anticorodal aluminium 6060 T5-6, welded together so as to obtain a solid supporting frame, completed by electrically isolated aluminium spars, on which the floors made of exotic precious wood or WPC (Wood Plastic Composite are fixed).

The cement floating dock belongs to the class of continuous high displacement floating docks that are used as high-stability mooring quays.

They are made by special products in reinforced concrete, lightened by adding closed-cell polystyrene foam blocks which render them unsinkable. The high displacement and the presence of keels provide not only an exceptional stability in water, but even create a slight attenuation of the wave on the structure

The modules are equipped with a non-slip surface in treated concrete and/or covered in exotic precious wood or WPC (Wood Plastic Composite), and a perimeter fender in exotic precious wood, WPC (Wood Plastic Composite) or EVA (Ethyl Vinyl Acetate).